
Yeah, picking this up for sure…for at least one of the machines, you can adjust the ratio of the 2 operators, control the depth of modulation and you have an envelope. Just that alone will give you more sounds than you’ll ever use, at least for most of us. Pretty cool I see folks calling it M:C, perfect name for it. :stuck_out_tongue:

To me, M:C vs. Digitone is not a great comparison. The M:C is a groovebox with FM at its heart; the Digitone is a limitless FM synthesizer with complex sequencing and sound-design capabilities.

I had a great time creating presets for Model:Cycles! Thanks again, @Elektron !


Isn’t there a stream happening now? I can’t find the link!

edit: here it is, that took way too long lol


who has 2 thumbs and poor impulse control? THIS GUY.


Well not really


ok, great point…


I want all the nerdy details on the synth engine.

Mario is going all in.


Yeah he’s fkn killing it.

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sounds phat!

(watching the stream)

Seriously loving the gnarly, cracking snares Mario is using in his set. The whole thing sounds monstrous.

@Ess with the instant destruction :metal:


C_O_L _O_R

like that decor

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from all the videos so far, can’t really tell its gray/that much different from :samples

A few of Mario’s bass lines got my eyes dilated.


It’s grey, yes. I think same grey as an original DMG game boy.


woooooooooowzers, phaaat bass!!!

don’t feel bad at all paying 31$ for 1 day shipping now

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It’s really fun, I’m very impressed … I wish the knobs were closer, I think I’m going to change the caps, any recommendations other than the djtechtools?

Watching the live stream on Perfect Circuit, and it dawned on me: I want the next thing Elektron to make is a slightly bigger box of a Model device. Of what, I’m not sure, but I love how you can just jam hard and fast, while giving your music so much energy from immediate input. If there was bigger Model whatever with a few more features for added depth, then it would be a jam monster.

this presentation is far better than any review video currently out

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