
lol, “the snare is weird” was exactly my thought upon first playing with it

“move over analog stuff.”


“fuck your samples”


Right, I was thinking about that after it was released. 12 knobs is fine, but maybe multifunctional knobs based on a couple of function buttons. Spend a couple days building up the muscle memory and you can still have the plethora of parameters to fiddle with.

That was my response anyway

Edit: 1 function button- 24 parameters, 2- 48(extra functions when you hold both down)

lol Ess shaming a Reddit commenter :laughing:


Pix or it didn’t happen

Anyone see that bobeats said he’s had the model cycles since 2016 or known about it in depth. That must mean elektrons the darpa of the synth world they got 2020-2025 mapped out.

Model:CyclesOfAcceptance. I seek comfort in the microtonic-esqe parameter layers of volca drum and it’s 6 part 3x3x3 FM capable battery powered palm sized fields of infinite $150 fun

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Anyone know if you can revert a single track after using cntr-all like on DT, seen it asked a few times but no answers. Maybe someone who has one could try. Pretty please :slight_smile:

Umm, I don’t think so… but you can always reload the preset, if you saved it!

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Ah bummer. Thanks !

Just bought one from GC, and was able to use a 15% off coupon too. Yeah!


Well, you don’t live up to your user name :wink: time to whip out Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations again!

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What did he say. Are you vague robots?

Wait, how do you do that on the DT? And can you do it on the DN too?

Yeah that’s me!

He basically just read out a comment saying Elektron are watering down their products, and said “hey, yeah, that’s the Model:Cycles”


That’s funny this guys got some oomph not watered down at all people just can’t create good shit this has everything you need to get people moving or bobbing their head. lol some guy asks your name on the chat right after I ask on here. Group think

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Here’s the comment, me and my friends were already laughing about it this morning!


Hold track+the sample track you want to revert (1-8), then tap NO

Also not sure if DN can do it as I no longer have one :sob:


Ess did a pretty good job with his transitions by setting up the reverb tail-ends.