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Heaven forbid an instrument is produced that someone could grab for the first time and make interesting music with quickly.


Anytime I read a comment like that on these forums, I ask myself “How much music did this person actually end up making that he/she is actually proud/confident in all of that time learning a ‘complex’ instrument?”

I’ve heard way more bangers in tonight’s Perfect Circuit event from the M:C than most Octotrack jams out there.


Octatrack can bang no problem! Trust.


Great presentation gentlemen!
@Ess and Mario :+1:t6:

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Link to watch the presentation? The one above isn’t working…

The stream is over, so you’ll have to wait when PC archives it to YT.

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The teasers showcased some amazing sounds. I was excited. Very MD-like. All the SoundCloud demos and YouTube videos since then have been a bit of a letdown for me. Don’t mind me! Just my reaction.

Would anyone actually take advice from a moistpeanut though? :tongue:

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It’s fun

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Perfect circuit event is posted on YouTube now, ess killing it


Ess’s performance has renewed my interest in this box greatly :thinking:


Mario and Ess did a great job showing off the capabilities of the machine. I want one of these now…


Signed up to make my first post after returning from the Perfect Circuit event. What a great time! The place was absolutely PACKED. I don’t know if they anticipated this many people, but it felt like a straight up sold out gig.

I watched some YouTube videos earlier and thought it sounded cool but none of them prepared me for how HUGE it sounds in person. During Ess’s performance, the bass was so deep and intense that the entire room was shaking. Holy shit.

I loved both Mario and Ess’s performances and it was nice that they showed off such a spectrum of what’s possible with this machine. Also, hearing Ess go through the layout and design philosophy made me have such a deeper appreciation for this machine. It’s not just a dumbed down Digitone. Every “machine” has its own story and purpose and the parameters are carefully chosen for each one. I highly suggest you watch the video stream and listen to him break it all down and tell the stories behind it. I’d be surprised if you didn’t also find a greater appreciation for it and not just write it off.

Call it whatever you will, it’s NOT a toy. It sounds massive in person.

Thanks to everyone involved, to the new friends I made tonight, and to Ess and Mario for such a great presentation!





@ess what a monster performance. Slayed with noise. I am sooo utterly impressed!!

I have a question! Hope you don’t mind answering.
During your performance there was a segment where there was a lot of noise on every track and you could hear the kick influencing other tracks.

Is there any cross FM between the tracks like on the 01/iv?

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MD percussion based on 8 Oscillators :heart:

Ya hahaha it was shaking the camera out of place and disconnecting it…the bass was so thick!

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Reposting my demo for those who missed it