
what’s the device below the cycles ??

Just my rytm mk2

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oh word up. nice demo btw :^ )

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Holy, killer set @Ess. Reminded me a bit of Tim Hecker. Mirages era. That was great, blown out but lush

@estragon You always have people who will complain and/or show elitist attitudes!

The Model:xxx series just makes sense for Elektron as a company to stay relevant and more importantly, stay in business.
They now cover all three bases. Entry level, Midrange and High end.

It’s the same with the current hate for Behringer! Hell, even people buying it and showing it off on youtube/other media, making music with it, are being attacked and some even got death threats! Unreal! It’s disgusting!
Heaven forbid, someone is making music instruments the average person can afford or young student for that matter!
If you want an authentic Moog, Korg, Roland, whatever and you are rich (and can deal with constant expensive repairs on old analog gear)…go ahead and spend thousands of bucks and buy one! No one is stopping you.
Just allow the rest to enjoy the stuff Behringer is releasing for the masses with smaller budgets. Nothing wrong with that!

Same with Elektron. If you got the cash, why complain. Go out and buy the Octatrack, Rytm, Analog MK2 devices.
Let others on smaller budgets or those new to Elektron, wishing a simpler workflow, enjoy the Model boxes!

Heaven forbid! We have choices!

It’s a fantastic time to be alive right now. So much fantastic choices out there right now. Unlike years ago, when only Pro musicians and Doctors/Lawyers could afford the good stuff.

I myself already have the Digitakt and last week I got the Analog Four Mk2. So I have no interest in the Model:Samples/Cycles myself. But I do see their strength and appeal.


Little sneakypeek of M:C and Monomachine being best friends…


A couple key take always from @Ess at the perfect circuit event.

  • The metal machine was inspired by the Machinedrum’s EFM Cymbal (which was possibly 8 operator)
  • The chord machine is actually using a wavetable, not FM
  • he say’s he uses the tone machine for many tracks often as it’s flexible

Is this correct?

Sounds like they put out a winner! Sweet spot FM all day


When the metal teaser hit I could immediately hear similarities to the MD EFM Cymbal machine. So great to hear it resurrected here! I wonder how far into melodic territory you can coax the metal machine?


Yeah that person has 0 idea what they are talking about.

Paging @pselodux for the Metal only demo. :wink:


super advanced?

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I‘m pretty tempted too.
But if I buy one, DN or A4 have to go.
Pretty hard :upside_down_face: guess DN then. But I actually was wishing for a more macro controlled sweet spotty elektron synth for quite some time. I loved this concept so much on MI Braids and Plaits. Even on the Opz, if if sounded a bit stronger.

Does anybody know how many chord shapes are available in the M:C?
Wondering how well simple pads can be done

I started working on a metal only demo but it didn’t turn out that great. I’ll try again this weekend :metal:

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plus inversions


A lot. Lots of really jazzy and spicy chords, and the Color parameter gives you all the inversions you’ll need imo.


Thanks for your hard work Ess.


My hopes for this device is that with the simplified machines there will be new updates with new machines. It seems like Elektron is setting up a whole echo system with the characterization of the different machines. And since there seems to be almost unlimited space for presets, that would seem like there is a lot of room to grow…


@AdamJay I wish someone could make this Chord table with the correct OSC1/sub, OSC2/sub settings on the Analog Four. :stuck_out_tongue:
I am terrible to find these chords myself on hearing alone. So struggling like hell lol. I found some examples, but they are few.

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