
Amen, haha!

Yea I’m actually most excited about the Chord machine on M:C.
I’d probably use the M:C primarily as a pad machine, layering a few Chord machines and also a tone machine, all with different tonalities, panned, through the reverb, LFOs independent on each one modulating unique and interesting things. Lock trigs long out in the decay making it even more complex.

My M:S has just about everything covered except that. :slight_smile:


The Model:xxx series just makes sense for Elektron as a company to stay relevant and more importantly, stay in business.

You nailed it right there. It may not be the same as what the old-school Elektronaut crowd expects, but even on their “Who We Are” page they say: “At the end of the day we simply want to empower you through extraordinary sound. Make music a natural part of your life. To achieve this we will continue to innovate and push technological boundaries. We will continue to think new.

If Elektron can empower more musicians by making their design and technology accessible at a lower price point, I’m all for it.


Just asking myself if we all start to defend and praise the simple layouts of the models, only to justify buying the latest elektron machines :smile:


If you listen to @Ess’s performance at around 28:41 it really shows how beautiful the Model:Cycles can sound.

@Ess, was it mostly the chord machines that you used in this demo?

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Go ahead my friend. The bird of awesomeness wants to fly free.


I’ve been lurking a bit. thank god I’m not an admin. Musta been a bit crazy. This thing looks amazing. Best concept I’ve seen in a while. I love the dirty stuff and this looks right up my alley. P-lock heaven. Wowz. Kids these days… What is the tipping point with all this stuff? I mean people keep coming up with the neatest stuff. Jeez. It’s really amazing what we have to work with.


Althought I like what I hear I will resist the gas.
I really want to get it, but I sweared to myself to just step back from buying everything and one.

Someone else mentioned it, but it would be very interesting to see this one param per function concept trickle upstream to the mid and top tiers. I have a feeling it’s going to head that way - albeit with perhaps Shift or secondary functions. You can really smell the evolution of Elektron on the horizon. I could see further sequencer tweaks coming into play, maybe random or reverse.

I was actually daydreaming at work today writing the press release for a new Octatrack in my head, and some type of new companion sized box. I think many people can see it written in the air, they’re just waiting for it to come. You can see this M:C as something that isn’t actually the DIgitone, but as something perched above the DN, based on machines and the 1kpf approach.

I personally love that the M: line has 6 tracks - really wished the DN had 6. It really does give you a lot more room to breathe.

Anyway, rambling. The demos of the M:C today have been great. I won’t pick one up immediately, but I see it as being a nice item worth picking up, and look forward to how some of whats revealed here work its way up the line in future


In my case, it’s not so much that Model:C isn’t awesome in its own right. It’s just that I don’t need one, even if it is.

Nor do I need to defend it or slam it. I can just walk away and keep doing what I’m doing, in my corner of the world.

While those who seem to like the Model:C less, are perhaps slightly more blunt in their way of expressing this, I’d say that the counter-attack on these people is equally bad.

Just because you’re armed with a moral compass and a sharp pen, you don’t by default have the moral higher ground. You’re not bound by duty to come after those who don’t like this machine. Even if they’re rude.

Follow your own example, go and make music and leave these people alone, like you’d prefer them to leave you alone. Behind crude words and blunt sentencing, there’s relevance in their experience, too.


Finally watching the Perfect Circuit thing now. Ess is just killing it. Ordered an M:C several hours ago, so I’ll see what I can do with it, but these performances tell me if I can’t get something cool going, it isn’t because of the M:C. I think you could say that about any Elektron box though


Except that this urge to tell us about that is not entirely and not exactly what you’d call just walking away… :wink:


@mattleaf It’s one of the reasons I held off buying the Digitone and instead saved up and went with the Analog Four Mk2 instead.
Not just because of DN’s limitations as FM synth, but just because it’s just not unique enough to justify the 800 bucks price tag for me, since I can achieve the same with Ableton Operator.

So for me, the Analog Four Mk2 made more sense, since it’s analog and really has a very unique sound.
But yeah… its a whole different workflow than my Digitakt. I thought I had figured out Elektron’s workflow and thought it wasn’t that hard, since I got the hang of the Digitakt pretty quick without need of any manual… but man oh man… the Analog Four is a completely different beast and now I understand why people can be put off by these machines.

So I myself would definitely welcome it if Elektron went the more Knob per function approach with their high(er) end gear as well in the future with the Mk3 versions.


No, I don’t exactly lead by example. But I’m well aware of that.

Don’t think I’ll be buying M:C but really loving all the patterns though…and it sounds :heat:

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It’s hard. There are now so many fun boxes we could be making music on, most of them are more than within reach financially, and we know that we already lack the time to do justice to the gear we do already own.

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I definitely think the Digitone is pretty unique in the way it simplifies FM, and the M:C carries that through. But the Digitone is more like an FM spectrum you can rinse through, whereas the M:C is these little defined specific worlds you can switch between. For me, the M:C sounds great and is very tempting to buy, but if you ask me, the stench of a coming product which takes all this and delivers it at a kind’ve Analog Four level, like above Digitone, I don’t know, I just feel you can sense it coming. It’s stupid to sit around waiting for products that don’t exist, and the M:C would be a great thing in the meantime, but something tells me whatever drops in alongside the Analogs next, its gonna be really worth waiting for


Im really surprised I thought Elektron was heading for a “fast fail” with this release, quite the opposite
I think it sounds vastly better than the Model:Samples

Personally I think the “Model” concept of products are a step in the wrong direction. I can see that Elektron wants to launch more products by reusing the digitakt/digitone platform packed in a cheaper casing and with a mediocre display. But why?


@d2ba In Model:Samples defense. You can just load in different samples to make it sound better.

When I bought the Digitakt, I was also quite underwhelmed with the onboard samples and not impressed. But when I put the Samples from Mars essential pack onto it. Makes all the difference! :slight_smile:
You can do the same with the Model:Samples. Just that it misses the Compressor / Overdrive of the Digitakt, so you have to use plugins or external gear to compensate.