
it’s really grown on me. slap a load of stickers on it and stick it in your bag. that’s the vibes.


It’s been a great 3 years together but I’m actually going to sell my DT (and all the other things I own) and just get the Model duo. Music is purely goofing around for me, so immediate, fun and geared toward live tweaking is what I want.

I also really dig the aesthetic of these boxes (unlike most people it seems).

Can’t wait for the battery pack. Public transport jams everyday!


Totally different sound to Digitone im hearing too

Re visual case design:

There is no accounting for taste.


@Kloanhead They need to keep the costs low. It’s an entry level device. The advantage is also that it’s super light and very portable.

Most people have also forgotten that once producers where making hits with nothing more than a 606 and casio sampler…


I’ve only had one elektron box which was DT. Loved the sound… Like LOVED. For the price ($950 AUD), it lacked connectivity and sample management was a pain. Also Blinky Blinky lights annoyed the hell outta me. I like the generic look of the model line and at the price point I can justify the lack of features. There is a certain old school vibe I get from the aesthetic, almost radio shack like but in a good way.

Not loving the sound of most of the demos, but I usually do not enjoy noodlings of the influencers.

Edit: The perfect circuit demos are the shit! Much more my steez.

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I cant even fathom having something like the mc in the 90s.

would have blown my mind. aaaand saved me about 3 grand in outboard gear. bye bye akai s3000, bye bye mackie mixing desk, bye bye juno 60, bye bye sh1te desktop pc :sweat_smile:

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If they can do something like this for $299 the mind boggles what their 2020 flagship will be?


For French 'Nauts, audiosolutions has a bunch of them cheaper that th. , free shipping…Did I resisted ? Nah !


They still do. A lot of big hits the past 20 years were done with nothing more than a PC and bunch of plugins.
One recent example is Martin Garrix or Kygo for that matter. You can find Future Music ( I think ) videos where you see them just doing everything within DAW using plugins.

It’s not the gear that makes great music. It’s the talent of a person that makes something out of nothing.

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yeah, but I bet it would cost the same if they would at least opt for a better color scheme.
I mean they chose a white and grey for the 2 models. Completely safe & generic look, it’s not for me…
It is a a shame because Elektron have their own standout design identity.
We could all see in the teaser videos that they care about the vibe, looks and atmosphere…
and then you get a 90’s grey device.


It likely helps keeping the MS and MC dev costs low that they can take a bunch of experience and techniques from DT and DN.

I might be from the camp of people hating the looks of it, but I agree, it starts to grow on me.
Being affordable, having some kind of Gameboy aesthetics, make it your own with stickers and throw it around to make beats anywhere… it has some kind of creative, young underground feel to it.

Plus: in the wide market, it is instantly recognizable. Might become a classic in a few years.

Model:Samples has the barrier of preparation. Finding and loading the right samples onto it, possibly preparating them to get around the limitations of the device… it is not really instant.
But THIS… boy / girl, turn it on and go wild with it anywhere. The demos and the performances from the stream show that it is VERY capable.


@Kloanhead Choosing a right color scheme is battle you will never win. There will always be ones that either like it or hate it. No matter what you choose.


The Behringer comparison made me LOL, ridiculous.

Back on topic, nice to hear some smoother stuff coming from M:C harsh FM is easy and expected, but some of the softer sounds are delightful and a little unexpected, given that M:C has a rougher dirtier sound than DN. First thing I’m gonna try is some lush ambient with it :slight_smile:


i definitely find the colour scheme more attractive than the M:S. the white and orange kind’ve irks me lol

some clips of my set


Smobeody could make an aftermaket case for the model:series :smiley:
It coul dbe all metal and stylised liek the digi series or other elektron machines :slight_smile:I bet it would sell well :stuck_out_tongue:

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I was thinking more Dreamcast/PS/SNES :smile: