
Suggestion to Elektron:

Offer several base colors for the Model line, a wide range of colorful knobs to customize it further and prepare white sticker sets for darker devices. This line can benefit A LOT from user customization, we need bold model colors like black, a toxic green with a hint of yellow and pink.

The best approach would be a made-to-order fully customizable color scheme with a designer-page in the store, that would increase the cost vs. mass production, but you can charge extra for customization.


Yeah that’s an option, but adds a layer of complexity where the appeal is simplicity

Man I’m so sick of rainbow lights on everything! It’s breath of fresh to me. Nothing to distract a user from making bangers. LCD vibe is killing it… No sarcasm.


agreed :handshake:

MS really needs the stickers. I fink they should have marketed it with the stickers on in the original press photos. it makes more sense when you see it fully adorned


To make it your own. Show your artist identity. The plastic housing is perfect for that.

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This is the thing for me. I like my M:S but it hasn’t entirely got me away from the computer. I’m spending time curating samples which is a bit frustrating and gives me some of the same annoyance as “preset browsing” with too many VSTs. It becomes a time sink and an anti-creative process for me. I think this box will solve that problem.

I think that option paralysis is a common issue. These days if I demo a new VST synth I end up browsing the presets and being impressed but programming the thing is a massive undertaking because it’s so complex and I don’t actually enjoy making any noise. These feature-lite but broad-range music toys (I mean that in a positive way, toys are fun and making music is supposed to be fun) hit a sweet spot for me.


@darenager How so. The comparison is very valid on the topic of hate and negativity to “certain” products.
It’s all about people seeming the need to defend and justifying their expensive purchases and need to feel special and exclusive.
It’s just sad and ridiculous and I often just laugh and ignore it, but it can really get to me when such individuals become hostile towards others, because they can’t stand it to see them buying the “cheaper” gear and enjoying it.

It’s no different with the Elektron gear, as there really was a lot of anger and hostility two years ago when the Digitakt launched!

How Elektron has fallen to release such cheap device and why in earth they would do that! They are ruining the brand! No one will buy the Ocratrack anymore! They should stick to high end devices only. That is their strength… ya da ya da… /shrug

And now the same thing again with Model:Samples and Cycles.

I just don’t get that! Let people buy what they want and enjoy it! It’s not about the gear! It’s about making music!

Like I said in a previous post. Gear doesn’t make music! Talent does!
There are artists out there releasing big hit after big hit, laughing their way to the bank… with their music made on nothing more than a PC, with cheap DAW (fruity loops, reaper) and free/cheap plugins.

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It is my problem with the Digitakt as well. I wanted a box that I can turn on and be away from the computer. Now, I love samples and working with them, slicing, cutting, mangling them and the sound I get from that. I WANT to work with samples.
But I imagine a box where I can just plug in a USB storage with my entire sample library, browse from the box, select, edit, cut, slice and load the samples without a computer.
I bought the Digitakt, because I saw the sample editor, but that is currently only available after recording directly or resampling, which is a tedious, time-consuming process. I just want to load some sample folders in there, pick some sounds, edit them to taste and then perform with them. Then, I want to arrange things in a SONG MODE, because I come from the DAW world. I am no full live-performance person. I want to be able to create a structured song, but then have the option to perform on it.
Without access to the editor for existing samples, and without song mode, I am disappointed by the DT, and the worst thing is, I love everything else about it. It is SO CLOSE to be what I want. It’s just a firmware update away from it. I think about selling it, because these things keep me from working with it.

How are the buttons standing up to heavy use in the Model range?

Does it make sense to reinvent the wheel if their is already an existing product with fm engine?
Anyway, I would welcome this. If there’s anything I don’t like about the DN sound, it’s that it often sounds very polished, hifi to me, even with nastier, higher fm amount and inharmonic ratios…
I don’t know why exactly this is, but I still prefer general the sound of FM8. Also some Yamaha Reface DX demos sounded a bit more “raw” to me. But maybe this is just my programming or imagination

I’m also still in the camp who thinks the design is quite unfortunate…
Just loving the direct control thing

There’s a product in Elektrons range that sounds right up your street for that set of requests. It even has a fader. :smile:


Yeah, I am curious to see how the lush side is, I sort of get the feeling that is the more limited side of the sound spectrum it can do but I could see maybe doing some more lush sounds and then just locking some more noisy bits here and there with a reverb to have that lush feeling with a bit more interest in there. I guess mine should come on friday… first thing for me to try is some noisy ambient :slight_smile:

DT sampling is far from tedious if you compare it to what came before. it takes a few seconds. ever use an old akai sampler or similar? now that was tedious.

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me too. The last minutes of Dataline’s demo are pretty lush. I want to hear more in that direction

would be rad if the Cycles came with coloured stickers of all the trippy plasticine mutant dudes lol


I don’t sample things, I have like 60 gigs of quality samples I want to load, edit and use as material. :wink:
And having to load something, then re-sample that just to get to the editor is just bananas.

ah I get ya.
the elektron transfer app is really quite painless. batch transfer and you’re done.


MPC live/one or OT is what you’re after

I know, but I have a lot of longer samples and want to cut them to taste inside the DT. Look for something interesting, load it, find bits and pieces within that sample and trim it, so I can use it as material for my own sounds. All I need is access to the existing editor from within the sample browser.