
fair enough. I guess sample editing is a bit fiddly by nature. you’re always gonna have to scroll thru stuff n chop n tweak etc.
granted you have an idea that might make it easier, fair play.

I dislike having to choose the “right” sample in general. loove OT resampling as a performance tool but way prefer a mc over an ms for that reason. it’s all in there already.

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Sure, but MPC doesn’t have the Elektron sequencer and mangling possibilities.
And the OT has quite an intimidating UI and workflow which is by far not as immediate as the DT.
Then, I am an ambient person. I need a lovely, lush and loooong reverb to work with. The OT’s reverb doesn’t do it for me, and I don’t poop money to buy an external reverb for like 500 bucks extra on top of an OT.
The OT is now so many years out, I can smell the mk3 almost around the corner. And I won’t spend so much money on the mk2 when I am not fully convinced of its UI, reverb and time-stretch quality.

Plus, I love everything about the DT and already own it, I just need one. little. firmware update.


you seem to have a very sensitive nose. Can’t smell it at all :slight_smile:

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I’m interested in how the simplicity of the model range UI will influence their next flagship boxes.


Plot twist:

The Model: series IS the new flagship.

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Maybe Elektron should release an editor for computers so that users can create their own machines and upload it to the M:C. This way they could go full circuit … :rofl:


This isn’t such a crazy idea - Korg have an SDK so developers can code custom oscillators and FX for their Prologue, Minilogue XD and NTS-1 synths. And they’ll probably put this technology in other products because it’s been extremely well-received.

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Why are all the demos having that annoying repettiitive drum beat? (Boom boom knock knock). Does this new box not survive without it?.

i love the digi cases, there’s something that’s both brutal and futuristic about them that appeals to me (and very Nostromo as you have mentioned) … i def would have liked to see them in a very simplistic sheet metal case (even with their current dimensions and colour schemes)

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Ess performance was lovely an a nice contrast to the high octane breaks Ive heard. Really gritty an dirty sounding machine. Looking forward to making some unnerving soundscapes - 80’s sci-fi horror movie soundtracks here I come :grinning:


Because if you think that it is just about affordable gear then it is clear you have not read or understood peoples objections to Behringer, notice they don’t have the same things to say about say Korg Volcas or other cloned or affordable gear.

Anyway, best stay on topic in this thread, there are plenty of Behringer threads already.


just listening to it now. First track is lush :ok_hand:t4:

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so lush!

Just got notified, mine got shipped:))

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It really washes over you. Dudes got a cool style, so chilled out when performing.


yea hes a talented mofo. fair beans


This or they could potentially release new machines for the M:C in future firmware updates. This would actually be really nice as machines can be p-locked.

I think some previously made a meme of that.
Dreamcast :samples and Playstation :cycles

was that you?


Not guilty :slight_smile:

@bwo and @Unifono On the product page soundcloud there are a bunch of examples of softer/ambient side.

Also love some of the smoother kicks heard, remind me of MD FM kicks which remain among my favourite kicks, not into knocky pitch swept kicks myself, so nice to hear those smooth almost 808 type kicks are possible too.

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I ordered one yesterday from Thomann when they were showing as in stock, but today I got a mail saying that they’re out of stock and won’t be back in until the 6th of March. Pity, but a week wait isn’t too bad I suppose. Gives me time to clear a space for it. :thinking:

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