
loopop’s video is amazing

its so much synth for so little money


Indeed, thanks for trying … Or can we at least steer we’ll away from this particular area, this is for @Jeronan & others too. Topics will ebb and flow, but heading to some of the territory touched on will sink the topic, let Elektron have their moment here plus everybody is excited for topical chat here so this stuff attracts pesky flags.

My on topic thoughts that I was gonna share anyway, the more I see/hear/think the better this product gets - nothing can appeal to everyone, we need to keep remembering this, but for me this is appealing on the basis of many of the criticisms - plus it seems to be more positively received than not, take that on board because Elektron will progress in ways that won’t be for everyone

Can’t wait to get my hands on this :loopy:


I predict a best seller for Elektron possibly.


agreed. the new DT in terms of popularity, perhaps.

it’s nearly exactly what I was hoping from them. flexible digital drum synth. may be even better than I’d hoped :slight_smile:


That’s what gets me interested. It appears to be much more than a drum synth.


I’m sure it’ll get twisted in all sorts of ways. I’m going to make downtempo hip hop and some dubby stuff with it. I guess faster stuff is more immediately impressive because of how much is going on, but I bet some of it would also sound amazing running at 30 bpm too


I barely go above 60bpm on anything these days, 20bpm where possible.


The carefully scoped engines are genius, the more I see the more I like this. If this had a wooly VA sister product with primitive analogue equivalent machine types it would be an amazing pairing. A scaled down combo of some AR/A4 type but tailored voices

In any case the MC will complement my analogs just perfectly


@avantronica Sorry about that! :slight_smile:


The kick is just killin it.


or even better: an analog sister product with primitive analogue equivalent machine types

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sorry if this has already been discussed. I did a search but didn’t see anything about the USB audio out being a single stereo mix of the 6 tracks (plus the effects?).

What is the likelihood of the USB audio out expanding into separate audio channels for all 6 tracks in later firmware releases?


stereo mix

probably as unlikely as the AR getting midi sequencing.

I was thinking the same. Imagine something in a Game Boy sound engine sense - ooft! That’d be fun with the Elektron sequencer.

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I’m looking forward to this one. I was having a tiny bit of buyers remorse but having watched through a few videos now I’m actually really impressed at what some are eking out of this thing. “Simple” it may be, but also very capable. So can’t wait for this to drop on my doorstep.

It reminds me a fair bit of the OP-Z actually, just with a FM focus and a sequencer I prefer (as far more used to). With the price that MS’ are at the moment, I can see myself swept off on a little “budget” journey in the future.

I do still dream that we get a Big Daddy Device from Elektron that covers this and DN ground but with flagship gubbings. Sampling has MS->DT->OT, will there be a MC->DN->XX? But I won’t think about that stuff too much - especially if not having a bit of fun in the here and now with MC.

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Just spent 2.5 hours driving from one city to the next. Played the perfect circuit presentation, then the SoundCloud playlist through my car’s Bose sound system. Sounded really good, some of the baselines sounded fantastic. Swayed me and i decided to buy one, it’s my birthday in a few days and I haven’t got myself anything for a while :joy:
Will I still get another DN… probably.
Either a DN or that new Polyend sample tracker they are teasing :hushed:


Totally, seems fat as hell an punchy amongst a ton of other stuff!!! I dont think Ive ever used a zappy sounding kick on anything ever tho. The 808 boomer sounded well dope!

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Isn’t that DNK ?

I will watch out for your music. Yes the EDM 150BPM or so is more immediate but i would like a better exploration of those 6 synth engines. The Bass sounds pretty good. Can they be layered for more textured pads.?


No, I don’t think so myself. Don’t want to derail this thread but in my head I’m thinking something in OT/A42 format (please OT…) that has 6+ tracks and more polyphony. Basically some sort of amalgamation of MNM, MD, DN but with bells and whistles - FX per track, etc. Genuine instant buy if something like this comes out.

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