
Lost Fonk - the soundtrack to an 80’s DOS beat ‘em up. FM feelings - the end credits once you rescued your girl in the same game. Love it.


I would make the assumption, that most of those, that come here and “hate”, are not musicians, that produce music professionally, but mostly people, that love having gear they can play around with.

And before I get too much hate about that statement: I am one of those people, who play around with gear and are happy and somehow suprised if something that you could call a “song” is born while doing this. I buy tons of gear, that I think might be what I need, and sell it, if I was wrong. But thats most of the time my fault, for not accepting what the machine is, or not wanting to invest the time to adapt the workflow.

And to stay on topic: I can’t wait for the Cycle to arrive. I hope that M:C is that easy to use and so too easy to create sounds with, as they all say, because that is exactly what I am hoping for. Having a Tool to be creative instead of a Tool where I struggle getting a sound I like.


Can anyone confirm if the patterns behave like in the Digis? Will I have to sequence it from the OT in order to avoid parameter jumps when chaining?

would be great

even if it just recorded to that little Elektron recorder app thing, I’d be happy with that

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Yesterday I heard the Ess´s bandcamp and liked a lot!

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I remember a thread where some Linux guru figured out some hack to grab separate audio streams from the DT.

I mean I know class compliant means no drivers needed so… does that make it any easier to DIY code something like that? I’m super into getting separated audio as well.

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What a dream! model:VA, m:s, m:c, tied together with a model:hub (I’m imagining a small plastic rectangle that looks like a USB hub, takes class-compliant in and has outputs for USB, 2x1/4" out and headphone out…).

Would be a properly nice portable/performance setup


Im going to guess that was only possible because the DT is designed to send all 8 tracks over USB separately. The models are not.
The Linux guy probably tapped in to the system that overbridge uses to receive the 8 individual tracks.


Using separate engines on two (or more) tracks. Just because they are separate tracks doesn’t mean you can’t layer the same trigs and go nuts with interesting things going on inside a long decay bass note. I’m going to sculpt some kicks with fuzzy tails and multiple layers of noise on my Volca Drum until my M:C gets here. Ordered from Sweetwater yesterday. Hope they don’t take 3 months to stock and ship!

For basslines, the Tone machine is probably best, but Chord can be used for bass heavy pads too. Or use two or more Tone or two or more Chord tracks set to unison mode for layering them up into fat chords. Lots to explore :grinning:

Have listened to a lot of the demos now (haven’t tried it myself, obviously) and it strikes me that this is a pretty big design shift regarding user interface.

It’s interesting to see that you still can produce a variety of syntheses out of these four tip-of-the-iceberg parameters (with a lot going on under the hood), in comparison to the previous “big boxes”, where you have more of a micromanaging approach. I don’t mind the latter, but the model approach seems less daunting and yet produces nice results.

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Imagine you want to turn up the level slowly during 3 chained patterns. It´s impossible.

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Dont you just set up a pattern chain, hit record, and raise the level as it plays through the chain?

I heard some pretty cool bass lines from pitched bass drum patterns as well


Dont you just set up a pattern chain, hit record, and raise the level as it plays through the chain?

Unfortunately not (unless the Model: series behaves differently to the Digis), because the sound parameters are stored in the pattern, so when you change pattern the sounds reload to the state they were in when you saved them

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Frictionless on the Drip album was superb! Great job @Ess

His moniker is “Amble” btw - which has perfect meaning. Wish I would have thought of that one for myself :laughing:

Ah yes of course…

Yes definitely. It seems extremely flexible. I doubt Metal would serve as a bass (seems permanently HP filtered looking at the scopes on Loopop’s video) but even Perc seems bassy enough for some low end action too :raised_hands:

I’d just like to add here that I really enjoyed Mario Hernandez’s performance. Is there any more music he made available online?