
Nice, look forward to hearing some :slight_smile:

Also which one of you wrote the demo track Crunch4ever? That is an absolute banger when the drums hit at 0:33! I’m feeling like you channeled some inner Gridlock, like something off their album Formless. One of my top 3 albums of all time.


I gonna make them mad ! My M:C will stand right next to my continuum ! :rofl:
Both ends of the ( financial )spectrum is the new black ! :heat:


I believe that particular demo was by @Ess


here’s something which a lot of musicians will desire.
but we’re going to completely limit its capabilities so it’s more of a toy.

Why do they do this? (in regards to outputs/midi/plastic/etc)

Goes by strangestrains


@KaOsphere Haha… as how it should be! :slight_smile:

Oh for sure! Probably the best machine they ever made!

Didn’t think of it like that. Doh! I’m no coder (although I can Lego myself scripts and stuff together) Still we can use the tracking method, 1 at a time. I have only made a few tracks that are deserving of that kind of time / energy though.

It’s completely possible to get it right, I hear awesome stuff all the time recorded straight with no effects. I think we all just dream about that total control. We are certainly spoiled living in an age where we create 3,000 reply speculation threads with about new gear and then feel sad about not having 6 separate outs or be able to stream them separately.

I think I’m going to put more focus on getting all the levels just right in-box, and more importantly just have fun. Music is a way to enjoy the present moment with the perfect amount of memory of past and anticipation of the future. If that makes any sense :smile:


Someone mentioned the Nord Drum, I think there is some little similarity in the approach, a distillation of carefully chosen specific goal oriented parameters/machines that also allow to go a bit outside of what you might expect. I applaud such design choices where it is musically useful, after all there are plenty of options for more typical FM architecture already.


Is the Nord Drum FM based? I thought it was digital, replicating the classic waveforms. The Volca Drum sounds, to my ears, a bit like the ND.

There is an FM drum machine for iOS called Ruismaker FM, super fun but the M:S blows it away with a more open architecture. (Plus physical KNOBS yo!)

The ND2 has some FM oscillators/algorithms, but other types as well

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Damn, price has gone up on Thomann now it sold out so quickly. It was 298€ yesterday, now it’s 325€. Bastards!

any Australian retailers have this in?

Ouch, wonder if they messed up on price at first? Current price seems more in line with other retailers in Europe.

Having low, mid and high end product ranges diferentiated by features and construction is a pretty standard product tactic across all industries. It really shouldn’t come as a surprise.

I know it’s pointless mentioning it, but the whole “toy” thing is getting old fast. This and the M:S have more features and functionality than instruments costing ten times their price 20 years ago. We’re living in amazing times when such powerful stuff is so accessible, and still people complain.


Damn that’s more expensive than I got it in Australia… and we normally get an inflated price

Djcity, storedj, both have preorders up but no stock

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Yeah, it’s probably that. Price matching and the like. This release couldn’t have come at a worse time for me financially. Need to wait a couple of weeks. Freelance sucks sometimes

I don’t think they where targeting any market in the beginning. I think they where just trying trying to produce the best instruments they where capable of. Labor of love really!
Targeting certain markets is very corporate and Elektron was not like that. Now that they are a little more corporate I can see why they’ll expand in this direction. We can all agree this not on the same level as the MD but all in all this a valid instrument and a good release.