
Am I in a brutal death metal thread? My heads fried

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I see testes. - everywhere


You might want to see a doctor about that. Or leave the bath house


I can’t find my pigeon suit to take off

47 PM



reminds me of this:

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I have a rather unpopular opinion on the model:cycles. To me the sound palette seems pretty limited. As with the OP-Z which i had for a bit there are only 4 sound parameters for each engine. For me it became quite boring soundwise. Maybe it’s different with the M:C but the videos already sound very samey to me.
But enough with the moaning. I wish you all a lot of fun with it!

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Really cool

slow clap at 2x track scale

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Uuuhm, no

Dammit. I want a Model:Samples now. They’re only $299 as well. The M:C is really cool. Curious if the samples has some of the same vibe.


You kinda own everything already right? Might as well go for complete!

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The model samples has the vibe of the samples you put in it. :wink:


I’d keep the M:S. If you do pair it up with the Cycles, or anything else, you’ll find the the extra tracks really useful. They are both such good value It’s worth just keeping hold of it. I’ve sold in haste and regretted many times. I once had an MD for just a day before letting it go (at quite a loss I can say), and I regret that daily.

saying that, I’m selling my AK when I get my Cycles.

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If your redundancy pay can stretch to an Octatrack, you’ll have everything you’ll ever need with that and the M:C. Send M:C random (or not) midi arps, record everything with flex machines and/or pickup machines, have access to loads of effects (including a master track if you want) and get amazing control with scenes and the crossfader. I cannot wait to combine my OT with M:C. It’s going to be wild


I’m interested to see how people pair the M:S with the M:C - will they be a similarly winning combination to the DT and DN, or a different kind of beast altogether? If anyone here has both Models it’d be cool if you shared a video or an audio file where you use both of them

DT and DN was my most productive combo ever til I sold DT to fund an OT. The beauty of the Digi combo, however, is the fact you can use almost the same button combos and pipe audio from one to the other via their inputs. M:S and M:C, while undoubtedly more immediate in getting things going, is going to require a mixer and some faffing about with a computer to get samples onto the M:S in the first place




What I have now and use is the MC707, TD-3, TR8S, an OT and now the Model:Cycles.

I do have a handful of Roland Boutiques that are put away. But I love. I really love the SH-01A


Haha yeah actually the mix distortion is just internal clipping, which does alias a bit. We really liked how insane it sounded during development so we just kept it in. I think sometimes we obsess too much on what is the right way of doing clean audio or whatever and forget about how good a bit of dirt can sound.

