
Case in point: The asymmetric distortion on the Rytm. Really miss that.


Is the Model:Samples distortion the same algorithm? Cranking a kick to 127 in volume on the M:S can create this really powerful kind of “hollow” tone shaping sound that I sometimes associate with aliasing, but I’m not totally sure

Where in Canada?

The box is pretty

Not to mention that you can Mute tracks of the DN from the DT MIDI tracks via a simple MIDI Config.

Ah yeah. Also, I was reading the M:C manual and saw that all mutes are global so switching patterns won’t turn on tracks on a per pattern basis like the Digis. Maybe it will inspire more creativity working around that. I love the idea of dropping the Chance knob across all tracks to nearly nothing happening, then switching patterns to snap everything back. Every breakdown is completely unique that way!

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From Generative to Explosive!

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I have absolutely no regrets about selling my AK. Took so fucking long to dial in a good sound. M:C is much more my bag


I think I’ll use my payout on the dark trinity - that’s mortgage, food and bills. Bit of Elektron humour there, laughing through the tears etc.

Seriously though, I was leaning towards an A4 because I’ve been blown away by the YouTube videos I’ve seen and the complex sound possibilities, but I think I prefer the “macro” approach of something more simple. Because I’m “that guy” I’ve bought and returned both a DT and a DN and I didn’t really gel with either. The M:S is still here, so that’s tells you something. Immediacy clearly works for me. This is a long-winded way of saying I think the OT might be too much for me.


I’m selling my Vintage Minimoog Model D when I get my Cycles. Pretty much the same thing, right?


See my above comment :wink:

I sold my Novation K Station for the M:C. So my M:C is free.


Solid trade.

So it seems to me that people like m:c more than dn. The reception for this machine is way better than I thought it would be

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I think, at the price, it’s hard to beat. Strip back all the various arguments and opinions and what you get is a lot of fun for little money. That’s good business.


Never sell a bear’s skin before killing it. French translation.


it took them a YEAR to develop a piece of plastic to house some batteries?! SMH.

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Just as a heads up, I was able to get it from Alto Music for 254.15 with coupon code LOOT15 here in the US. Free 2-Day Shipping and no tax either!


I think they both occupy different spaces. I have a DN, and am getting a M:C. I don’t think I will like the DN any less or any more. They are both approaches to making making music, with both similarities and differences.