
Cute psychedelic chicks dig the synth dude though…


Yep, future wife is the cute psychedelic chick fronting the synthwave band. She never complains when I buy more Elektron stuff or when I’m buried in headphones for hours haha :joy:


Wow yeah dude, your petit massif band is pretty damn good. Your wife’s voice flows through it nicely.
Well done


Yes, all the included cables are the quality braided cables just like the M:S includes.


Lxr is great but it is different tonally. It sounds more toy like , which I like but sound very different

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I can get behind toy like for some things :slight_smile:

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100% it’s toy like in all the good ways like the OP1 and the calculator line

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Does anyone else get a mild OP-1 vibe from the M:C?

Various synths machines, four knobs for synth parameters.

There is even a boxing glove button.


Definitely seems as fun! And the machines vibe makes a lot of sense. Plus portability with the handle!

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I actually really like the battery handle. Very Dieter Rams :panda:


I have a PO-32(?) somewhere. Super fun for a minute, but I found it really frustrating quick. Fun to knock out some snippets for the OT though. Hoping the M:C can go from casual to serious, depending on your mood. It sure seems to appear to be conducive to that


I’m certain it can , and If it’s not enough. Put it in OT /DAW and go to town!

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Definitely. If they added a string emulator it would be amazing. I miss that little fella

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yeah I‘m loving such synth macros.
Mutable instruments does this perfectly, Opz and Op1 as well.
Bought my first OP1 for a nice price last week actually.
That‘s why I won‘t purchase something new very soon (hopefully :upside_down_face:)
have to explore one machine at a time


That is good to know, what I’ve heard sounds pretty fucking rad though compared to others.
Thanks for the info that will save me some mullah

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Well that was easy :rofl:

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First thoughts: I still don’t like the Model format, don’t like the feeling of the pads, don’t like the lack of any texture or grips on the mushy knobs, but it’s much less frustrating than on the M:S, mainly because I’m enjoying the sounds here. And I really am enjoying the sounds a lot. Some interesting, very digital sounds, a la the Monomachine or Machinedrum, usually not as bright/harsh as the Digitone. It’s a bit frustrating that they’ve broken the four parameters for the sounds onto two rows, rather than having them all on the same row. The kick sounds great, snare and hats are OK, and “tone” and “chord” are both great too. Feels very immediate, and having control-all is awesome (still wish there were a way on Elektron’s big boxes). It’s nice that we’re already in the era where this thing comes loaded with pattern chaining and step resolution without waiting for updates. I don’t really think this is a travel device for me, as writing anything melodic on the little pads at the bottom isn’t great, and it almost certainly needs a keyboard to accompany it.

I’m not floored with my first pattern, but if I get a pattern I like, I’ll upload something soon.


It better be SOON dude… or else! Good to hear your impressions.


care to further explain why you’re not fond of the pads?

compared to a.r.’s pads, improved or same.

Not sure I’ll do a good job, but I’ll try. They don’t move much, i.e. aren’t “responsive” in their haptic feedback. They also take a little more gusto than, say, the Novation-style of pads, so I have to basically fix them at a velocity and can’t really play them. If you’ve tinkered with the Model:Samples and dig it, they’re (as far as I can tell) the same. So I’m sure it’s mostly me and not the unit itself.

Back to it!

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