
Can it take external midi? Might be a cool way around it

I’m sure you can. I haven’t looked into it, but this is the case with all the Elektron stuff, I think.

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I’m a little disappointed, when I heard “battery pack” I thought it was actually going to be “a pack that’s also a rechargeable battery” not, well, what it is.

Not that it matters, the Model series isn’t for me

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That “Lost Fonk” track from Elektron’s official soundcloud demo!!
:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

Yuzo Koshiro eat your heart out!!

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Please can you try out lowering the VDep value in the Pads menu to see if it can make them just sensitive enough to suit your playing style? This is super important to me:



I assume the M:C has the exact same pads/knobs as the M:S and I agree with with you on texture and grip. I spent many hours with M:S and it was great fun as I imagine the M:C is, however, I returned the M:S after one week as I thought it didn’t offer anything more than what I could achieve with my iPad pro and a decent midi controller. It made me rediscover many of the awesome midi apps on iOS and so I’ll pass on the M:C for the same reason. I must admit, I was hoping the new machine would be a Digitakt mk2 :sob:

I think the M:C offers some new stuff. It reminds me of a modern MD, but way more performance oriented.

My initial instinct, was, “nah” But at $299, it’s hard to pass up. Glad I got one. It’s a keeper for now for sure! Super fun!


What are you hoping for on a DT Mk2 that can’t be covered by an OT? Genuine question. Ess explained a little bit about mono only for DT in the M:C Q&A, for example, and I agree with him

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I may be mistaken, but when I changed that, it only affected the total range of velocities, not the overall sensitivity. Sorry, but I think I really have to yam on these things. (Maybe I have dainty fingers?)


No no, it’s a common complaint, your fingers are fine. Limited values might serve my purposes anyway. Enjoy your new box and thank you for confirming :blush:

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Sorry to ask but what do you mean?

Instead of being able to trigger velocities from 0-127, I could trigger velocities from, say 40-127. But again, I might be wrong.

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I actually kind of appreciate any device that uses AA instead of a proprietary rechargeable. You can always easily and cheaply buy new rechargable AA batteries where as once things go out of production you find yourself prying apart old battery cartridges trying to fit and solder a new battery into it so you can use your old battery powered devices again.


Swedish metal is notoriously tough to mine.

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What did you sell? Inquiring minds and all that…

Thanks for your reply. I’ve purchased the M:C this morning but been working all day and couldn’t check this myself but was curious about it.

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I was also about to pull the trigger on an LXR but this will give me what I was looking for with an already familiar and beloved sequencer.

I am hoping that additional Machines will be available for purchase in the future as well!


battery handle jokes aside…
i wish you all much better luck with the M:C, than I had when I got the M:S right when it was released.
i had hardware issues/failures/bugs on multiple machines, and ultimately decided against keeping it. definitely some cool things packed in there, and the knob per function makes it simple to use.
but the issues i had led me to decide on upgrading and got a Digitakt, which is awesome.


Yeah, it’s super heavy.