
Oh shit, so good. I need to do this.

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does anyone know if this time the sequencer is able to send the retriggers also as midi?


I find it ironic that for getting “creative” at modding the models elektron has to supply the stickers :wink:


decided to put the full jam up


I put my own one on mine :metal:

(edit: if anyone wants to do a sticker swap, I have like 500 of the above design)


I think I’m going to respray mine another colour :laughing:


Cheers for the impressions!
One thing I’ve noticed in some of the vids is when people are changing tracks it seems to trigger the track sound when you select the track - is that how it is or is their a way to not have that happen?

If you hold TRACK and press a track key it doesn’t trigger it.




A bit inspired by the Arturia Microfreak design :slight_smile:


Does the MC screen interface seem more balanced to you guys?

I feel the MS interface is a bit stretched in some way.

That would make sense : )

On the M:S and M:C, you don’t need a second pattern to do that.

Set up your pattern, do a Temp Save (Func and Temp Save), mess with your chance settings (or anything else), and then when you want to spring everything back the way it was, hit Func and Pattern for a Pattern Reload.


Yes yes, I meant as a cool way to transition to something else, but sticking to one pattern is great too :yellow_heart:


Sure! I have a death metal t-shirt like that, full of scrotuses and skulls…

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Getting the Model:cycles has been sort of a strange journey. At the beginning of February I sold my Digitone. I’ve had it almost since release and It’s basically collected dust the last cpl of months. The pathces I made always ended up the same I kind of felt like still had an analog itch to scratch. Plus compared to the OP-Z the sequencer feels really static as I’m looking for lots of performance options with a sequencer. So I wasn’t really enjoying the Digitone.

So I sold it looking for a drum machine which was more immediate and fun… and lo and behold in comes Model:cycles… so I bought it instantly since this seems like just the thing I’ve been searching for. The Swedish postal service made a record delivery to the north of Sweden and the package was in my hands 23 hours After ordering.

Initial thoughts is that it’s very immediate and very different from the digi series. I actually felt more at home with OT at first then I do with the M:C, which is odd since one of them is considered one of the hardest samplers on the planet.

Here’s my first recorded jam.


I wish elektron would have supplied the silkscreen text labels as the stickers instead. Repainting the case and relabeling with stickers would be cooler IMO than just messing up the existing surface with dada, but YMMV and all that

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Ah, so Cenk’s paint job on his M:C matches the box!

Do you do the Tim Tam Bomb? We get them in random stores in the UK and it’s sublime

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I dont even know what that means. Im more of savoury dude. Chocolate doesnt interest me that much really. Tim tams (and penguins) are underwhelming.