Model:Samples only music

A semi-generative minimal noodle with M:S


Another noodle with MS.

Track without drums - just arps and synths


Some Bass music sounds

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Minimal House or Tech House with Synth One app


Still learning. A housey kind of thing.

Today’s burnt offerings :joy:

On a side note, im getting better at lining up my videos so they’re not crooked, the spirit level on my tripod has been lying to me.

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I really enjoyed that! :slight_smile:

Thats great!

Beautiful :ok_hand:


Yet more semi-generative noodling on M:S. Unfortunately the sub just doesn’t show through on mobile speakers though, best listened through actual speakers :slight_smile:


Nice track !

Are the vocals sample from the Model:Samples ?

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Thanks!!! :grinning::grinning::grinning: The music is model:samples but the vocal samples has been mixed with the music into reaper :sweat_smile:

Ok ! I was asking myself if we can put some long samples into the model:samples, or digitakt (they have the same amount of ram). But that is not the subject of the topic.

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You can put long samples in the model: samples. Set samples lenght to infinite and ready to rock :vulcan_salute::vulcan_salute::vulcan_salute::vulcan_salute::vulcan_salute::vulcan_salute: You need to activate that sample with the track button without any trigger… If You have triggers activated the sample Will loop…

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Thanks !

Not if you have the sample loop set to off and if you set a trig condition of “1st!”

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A live improv session I recently recorded, mainly as a way to get to know my new pedals. I used the Aotearoa soundpack, loading up samples on the fly, dropping them into the sequencer and seeing what happened. Good fun!


Todays M:S noodle doodle :slight_smile:

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