Model:Samples only music

36th day of #fuckcoronavirus lockdown :sunglasses:
One more day, one day less…

37th day of #fuckcoronavirus lockdown :sunglasses:

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Nice Track! The Orange Coton Ouaté makes it very conceptual.

43th day of #fuckcoronavirus lockdown :sunglasses:
#aupaangela :muscle:t3:

49th day of #fuckcoronavirus lockdown :sunglasses:

A lot of fun with Crave!!!


My first effort using M:S only. I really like that you can just plug it into a phone via USB, makes the recording process super simple :slight_smile:

Edit: whoops I just noticed the sub doesn’t even show through on phone speakers :roll_eyes:


Phone speakers & sub bass
What a relationship that :grin:

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Just started to publish few things made 100% with M:S just for the fun !!!

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Leyden jar // The resonance of an Electric Power Pole // Warning: boring ambient / field recordings / noise. Enjoy :skull:


Happy Birthday to me (it was yesterday) & all people celebrating birthday during the lockdown
57th day of #fuckcoronavirus lockdown :sunglasses:


A semi-generative ambient techno noodle on M:S. Mostly just pattern switching as theres a lot baked into the patterns :slight_smile:

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Made a bandcamp profile for my ambient/noise/drone noodlings. Bought an Zoom H4-recorder in order to get make better samples and feel I am really falling down a rabbithole here, but enjoying the ride. First “release” is the still growin collection “Concrete Spring”, which I have a couple more things to record. Stay safe & enjoy the madness! :skull:


Testing KP3+!!! Very Funny!!!

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64th day of #fuckcoronavirus lockdown :sunglasses:

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A fun M:S only techy jam, I really need to get tweaking more but here it is…


67th day of #fuckcoronavirus lockdown :sunglasses:
This is a long one… messing up things with just one pattern


Todays M:S offering. I really have to pair it up with some other gear soon but I’m having fun with it on its own! My excuse is its a good way to learn the machine inside out :slight_smile:

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Model:Samples is a beast


Sounds nice! :slight_smile: