Monomachine Love Thread

There’s a way to “fake” Ctrl-all on the MnM with a MIDI controller. It could only work on a limited number of controls, though. I can’t remember the specifics, but it’s somewhere on this forum.

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I also thought about this, though I need to learn more about what’s possible with midi. But to me it seems like there are ways to map a midi controller encoder to control multiple parameters perhaps?

Yep, with the joystick control IIRC, since you don’t have any physical joystick on non-keyboard versions of the MnM

Definitely not. The control-all is a magical way of finding totally new moods from your existing sequences and sounds in seconds. I think I’ll get some kind of a midi joystick for the MnM to remedy that at some point.

That being said the MnM has the assign menu in which you can use the pitch tracking for two destinations that include pretty much all of the synth parameters, and that can be v rewarding when used to alter the osc waveforms, LFO destinations and waveforms, retrig and retrig time (on drums) etc. It’s a goldmine for happy accidents and the sweetspots are plenty and easy to find.

I find the MD more immediate in many ways but as the MnM sounds so interesting I’m never in a hurry with it. :slight_smile:

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I asked the Syntrx what it thought about the Monomachine, and all I got was this:


Its via a Sysex Message. I have it written down somewhere, if I can find it I will post it.

Used to use it with the Korg microkontrol. The one with the joystick… Really good to pair with the Monomachine.

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I used it with an iPad app called Modstep. It features a configurable XY pad.

But I don’t remember using SysEx for that.


Sorry … it was late last night… I misread what you wrote!

The Sysex code was for the MnM ‘Reload Kit’ function. Same as on the MD - Func+Ext combination to reload the saved kit - very handy!

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How does the FX machine/track work? Is it only 1 effect per fx track? Can multiple synth tracks be routed to it?

super flexibly.
there’s an internal routing system AB/CD/EF so FX machines can receive from any routed track, the inputs, or neighbour tracks (which is a bit different cascade wise).

1 fully featured FX machine per track.
one audio machine and a bank of 5 FX tracks can lead places…


Yes it’s only one FX per track. Yes you can route other tracks to the FX track via the busses. The MnM has a pretty flexible routing system. Have a read of the MONOMACHINE ROUTING section in the manual

Yep, and let’s not forget each track (synth or FX) has its own delay, which can be configured independently on each track


I don’t know much about SysEx and all but, out of curiosity, what did you use to send this SysEx msg for kit reload?

I read the routing section just now. Would that mean you could route 5 synth tracks using the bus to the 1 FX track so that all 5 synth tracks are effected at once?

Yep. If all 5 are sent to MIX OUT BUS AB, setting the FX input to BUS AB will do that.


I used a Korg microKONTROL and used one of the drum pads to send the message.

Also used iOS MidiTouch on an old iPad 1. Excellent app to create your own control surfaces…

Here is the Sysex String.



Yes, but bear in mind the tracks (and busses) cascade top to bottom, so in this case the FX track would have to be track 6. You can’t run the output of a higher numbered track into a lower numbered track.


I decided to spend an afternoon with nothing but the MnM and a pair of headphones to finally try out the song mode. How did I remain ignorant about this for so long? Offset, length, per track transpose, mutes and BPM per song line? Makes de/reconstructing beats a breeze and it’s an excellent way to break out of the monotony of a 4-bar loop!

If you’ve stayed in the dark about this as I have, give it a try now!
It’s a shame that this specific song engine wasn’t ported on later machines.

The damn box just keeps on giving!!


Yeah, legendary song mode!

It’s in the Octatrack. OT+MnM= Heaven.

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