Moog Mavis

On the Mavis the controls are just regular potentiometers. Trim pots are small, and normally inaccesible, used for calibration. Trim pots are also not made for frequent use like the controls on the Mavis.


Not sure if we’re maybe missing each other here, but the ‘potentiometers’ I linked above are what’s used in Mavis, they’re referred to as ‘trimmer pots’ and normally used for minor controls or less frequent adjustment.

This is of course part of the way that Moog get the price down for these, in addition to keeping them distinct from their more expensive synths. If Mavis had proper knobs the M32 would start to look expensive…

I would expect metal shaft pots and knobs to add maybe ÂŁ15 to the cost (so maybe an extra ÂŁ30 retail). Depending on clearence someone good with a solder-sucker could add them themselves though!

That’s a picture from the internet. There is nothing stopping anyone from using and calling an expensive potentiometer without a control knob a trim pot. The regular controls on the DFAM, Subharmonicon, and other synths from companies other than Moog are not trim pots because you want to call them that, nor are the controls on the Mavis. You can continue to say they are, but it won’t make it true.

Notice Moog doesn’t call them trim pots, and they warn you about using the trim pots that are built into the Mavis like regular pots, in the Mavis manual. Moog knows the difference.

You and i have had a different discussion before where you insisted that apparent reality was in fact not real. The discussion only stopped because i stopped posting, not because reality changed. I am stopping posting on this as well.

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We take calling potentiometers “trimmer pots,” while ignoring actual trimmer pots, very seriously round these here parts. You’d best talk to the talk if you wanna walk the walk, cowpoke.


It’s a picture from Thonk, a supplier of synth components - that’s what those kinds of pots are referred to as in the DIY synth world.

We’re making very different points, not dissagreeing with each other.


7 compositions from 4 artists. Uploaded by Moog Music.

EDIT: They all feature Mavis as part of a setup, not by itself


Really enjoyed that second jam

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Some really nice sounds people are getting out of it, seems to punch above its weight a bit as a “budget” synth even if it lacks features that I might want to fully indorse it as a beginners synth. I almost wonder if moog instructed people to not pop some knob caps on them or something, I have to say it would be the first thing I would do to it.

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Any updates from the union? This is a cool successor to the Werkstatt, but I’m gonna be holding off on adding another Moog to my collection in solidarity with the workers

Are they asking for a boycott?

I haven’t heard a request for that, but have heard that the company has been retaliating against union organizers. For me personally that’s enough to withhold my support for a company


They have specifically said not to boycott for what it is worth.


Thanks for linking this!

Yeah, this is why I asked — boycot calls are a specific tactical tool in union fights, and starting to boycot without a call can actually hurt the union.

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Looks cool with black light on. With black light off it looks like a total mess though.


Looks like some tacky EDM makeover

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Just need Evil Edna now.

this was posted over at MW. mainly trying to push it and make more wild and aggressive sounds with it. not very musical, but it’s something different from what the usual suspects have posted, at least.

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Hiya. I got a MAVIS last week and put together a video on it:

For disclosure relevant to the above chat, Moog did send me it, though I got it a day after release rather than pre-release, so I am clearly not in the upper echelons of the YouTube stratosphere yet ;p There was zero conversation around making a video or whatever either in my case. It is a strange thing trying to square the circle of being pleased to get stuff sent over to try out because you have a channel where you are genuine and just make and talk about stuff… and avoiding just becoming another kinda generic predictable face amongst a sea of people doing the same shite.

Anyway, that’s probably a topic for another day. At first I thought £350 was probably a bit pricey for what is a semi-modular analogue synth from a big brand with no midi input, butttt it makes a lot more sense when you consider it as a synth voice to be integrated into a modular system. If you bought the various components of Mavis for your Eurorack, it would cost you far more than Mavis does, and they’d be from less established manufacturers. For somebody in the beginning stages of exploring synthesis or delving into the world of modular, it could be a really attractive option - especially given the care that’s gone into the introductory materials/patch examples etc.

Overall, I think it’s pretty cool, and would recommend it to folks if they asked me for suggestions on what synth they should get to start exploring modular.

I probably shouldn’t have said all that now, since you won’t watch my goddamn video, and then I won’t get more free shit in future, but hey.

P.s. sorry about the thumbnail. I hate them and am awful at them.