Moog Minimoog Model D 2022

I would rather spend $5000 on a Minimoog than a fancy watch. But I’m satisfied with my $40 Timex and $300 SE-02.


So for 6K $ based on the price on Elektron shop : Syntakt, Digitone, Digitak, Octatrack MK2 and A4 MK2 or AR MK2. With a bit of spare change. New.


A must-have :thinking::dizzy_face:‍:dizzy::zipper_mouth_face::drooling_face::zipper_mouth_face:

I‘d rather spend 5k on 58 fancy watches (vintage Casios and Seikos and a Heuer Game Master II) than a fancy watch :nerd_face:🥸:star_struck::partying_face:


Half price in the app store for iOS… $22.99 Australian dollars. Includes all moogerfooger pedals as well.

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It sure looks gorgeous. If it were $4k and had presets I’d bite. $5k for a mono synth with no presets is a bit steep.

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I can’t wrap my head around that price.

Is it hand wired/soldered with NOS parts? Don’t do that. Machines are GREAT at soldering. “But oh it wont sound like an old one!” No, neither will the new one. Parts age and values drift, affecting sound. Sometimes “vintage” sound is actually malfunction sound.

Is the wood a premium commodity? Don’t do that. Wood is mostly brown, and most of it can be screwed to the side of a synth.

Does it require massive feats of software engineering? I believe adding midi is a pretty well trodden ground.

Does it require massive amounts of hardware engineering? I would imagine they held on to a schematic from last time.

Will people pay it and rave about it? Probably. But not this person!


True considering the new Oberheim synth has presets and does more. I already have a Moog Sub 37 and DFAM. Rather buy the Oberheim or Waldorf synth at this point.

I don’t like the price (far beyond my means), but I sure like and appreciate that it’s being made. It is what it is… a boutique product that’s not mass produced, made (at least mostly) in the USA, using locally sourced materials and assembled by hand. I’m guessing they aren’t $10-15/hr employees. All this, plus profit is the cost.

Moog largely only has to compete with… Moog. It’s not for me and that’s OK.


This is what lives inside the box. Super simple.

But I do understand the mojo of owning one. You don’t just pay for the components…


Or the footprint, @Prints!

Fuck me… it can’t cover the sonic territory a modular case can weild. I’ve just sat through the Sweetwater thing before coming on here. While watching I began thinking about what is exactly under that hood. It sure sounds sweet but …. Nahhhhhhh Moog wtf…. a bunch of modules and a case could cover enough ground for 14 billion years.

No, thanks.

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You pay for a bunch of other whack stuff. Moog has had problems with their output for years. My Sub37 has ‘sticky wheels’ yeah… nice one Moog…. You ol’ top chap! People pay through the nose for your goods and the mod wheels go sticky. Then the keyboard goes really yellow so you sell a keyboard replacement??? Wtf!! That’s like buying a Jaguar or whatever car Porsche and then they tell you that you can buy replacement doors because the ones they issued you and you payed for have weathered differently from the rest of the car and look shit. WTF

That price has sent me doolally.

On second thought, it might be a good investment because this new business model of really expensive pricing doesn’t seem sustainable to me in this market and I can picture Moog going out of business. Years from now, with inflation and due to rarity, these can be worth a lot more. If intending to sell at a later point, it’d be a more enjoyable investment than an NFT imo.

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Exactly :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :+1:

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Welcome Polychain.

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Should be MUG not MOOG :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Would someone pick a new Minimoog over the Matriarch, if you could choose one for free?
I mean as an addition to your setup, not in terms of resale value.

If it would have been reasonably priced it would be a cool thing but as it is I can’t think of any reason to buy one over the Matriarch.

Again with this analogy?

Are you a rockstar? A child prodigy? A successful entrepreneur? Born to an affluent family? No? Me neither. I guess we’ll just have to resign ourselves to the fact that there are some luxuries in this world that we’ll have to learn to live without. I’m okay with that.

There are loads of affordable instruments out there to suit every level of musician. At least you have choices. If you really want a Model D, people buy more expensive things every day—some that they need, some that they simply want, but none without sacrifice.



If it is so simple I don’t understand why someone just doesn’t make something that sounds as good. I don’t know why 50 years later it still hasn’t been beat as one of the best sounding monosynths (I will give a shoutout to the vermona perfourmer as a nice sounding modern analog kind-of-mono-but-not-really synth). There are more flexible ones for sure, but not better sounding.