Moog Moogerfooger Plugins

Moog is releasing plugins for their Moogerfoooger FX.



Wowzers, $149 for the lot atm ($249 normally) and considering the prices of second hand units, that’s amazing. I used to have the low-pass filter and the freqbox back in the day. I could never afford the delay. Damn, what a cool set of quirky plugins!

Edit: and now they’re stereo too!


Don’t want to want them but they sound SO good


Freqbox, Murf and Clusterflux would be really nice to have.
I have the Delay, not sure yet if I should get this collection.

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They look pretty cool and I might do the 7 day trial.

I don’t do enough in the DAW to warrant it I don’t think but if I did there’d be no question - these are cool!

Never had one of the OG’s but I had a Minifooger Chorus and that was a great pedal, one I occasionally regret selling.

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I had an MF101 3x, thanks to buying cheaply and selling to finance synths. At £350-400 the pedals were too valuable to keep for “just” a filter… but what a beautiful filter. I always wished I was wealthy enough not to need to sell them.

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Geez tempting. $149 for 7 legendary pedals. That is awesome. Strymon take note!


I use Ableton’s stock effects almost exclusively, but I will almost certainly make an exception for these. Especially if the delay sounds like the Moog Matriarch


Haven’t seen plugins that temted me in a while. And I think the price is right. Probably will be jumping on these?

And boom, bought… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I bought them instantly! A stereo filter! I use the hardware pedals every day. So I’m gonna get a lot of use out of the plug-ins, especially the drive knob.

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If I didn’t have the matriarch I’d probably buy these instantly but now there is no need really.
They do sound pretty good judging by the demo vids that are out now.

I do not use/have a DAW at all, is it possible to use these standalone?

Not really, there are standalone ways of running VST’s like VSTHost but at that point you’re already adding a computer to your setup, might as well just use Live Lite or something imho.
I’m a shill for Big DAW™ though so maybe there’s something I’m missing

That said, these look incredible. I always wanted a Cluster Flux and a Ring Mod, I’m so stoked to try these out

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These sound glorious.

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I was really hoping moog would do a re-release of these pedals. It seems like they are focusing only on software now.

This reminds me that I had some Digidesign MoogerFooger plug-ins from way back in the day that I never really used.

Anyone remember those? Always disliked how the interface was add an odd angle.

These look decent though

I hope the plugins help Moog raise money to develop more exciting hardware