Moog Moogerfooger Plugins

I have the 104m and the 102 Ring Mod, based on the quick play with the trial I had I would say that they did a pretty good job with the Ring Mod, I’m sure if I compared them side by side it wouldn’t be exact but it’s quite close, the 104 on the other hand… not even close, kinda disappointed with that one actually as I just came out to Aus and didn’t bring my 104 with me in fear of loosing it or something happening to it cos it’s one of my fave pieces of kit and irreplaceable, was hoping the plugin would keep me from pining for it.

The plugin just looses all the quirks I love about the 104m such as the sound of the time sweeps, the clusters you get when you sync it and switch from long to short and just the overall body of the sound, none of that is present in the plugin unfortunately.

The phaser sounds pretty decent but I’ve not owned an original to compare it. Was always tempted to buy the phaser, maybe this’ll help me resist the urge.

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Having delved into it further, it’s actually a lot better when you switch it to legacy mode for both the tone and the feedback, I think they added that option on the feedback since the rollout. Doing this gets it much closer to the original. It still doesn’t sound as great but I have been very surprised if it had as the physical just sounds so great. All in all I think the bundle is worth the money.


I wrote about these for Music Radar / Future Music if anyone is still on the fence:

Fun playing with these!


I don’t know if there are any other Colleen fans here, but she’s a long-time user of the MoogerFooger pedals and was evidently asked to Beta test these plugs when they were in development. She just posted on IG about it and I thought someone might enjoy the post. She’s very thoughtful about documenting her processes for all of our her work, which is often quite minimalistic.

The plugins are now available separately “starting from” $59 each.

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