Moog Subharmonicon

Moog probably made quite a few in this first batch sending them all round the world – so we will see if there is that much demand. This is a pretty esoteric product outside of this little niche we live in here. What percentage of Elektronauts are even paying this thread that much attention ?

But you are right we will see a lot of yt content on this pretty quickly.

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I better be blasted with content tomorrow. I am wearing a helmet to bed just in case some of the content leaks out of my phone when I am sleeping.


Also, good point about this. It is is probably the most esoteric thing Moog has ever released. I do wonder what the crowd will be like.


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Do we compare it to the Moog Lap Steel Guitar – that was pretty esoteric – and way cool too !

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Haha, yes. Shoot, maybe this is the current reincarnation of the lap steel?

FYI Perfect Circuit charge when you place your order, not when it ships.

I know, as they’ve had hundreds of dollars of mine gone without the item shipping for weeks now.

Yeah, I’ve ordered from them before. I’ve also preordered and backordered items form them before, and if it took to long, it wasn’t an issue to call and have them cancel the order and refund the money.

oh they’re totally good people. no issues there. didn’t mean to imply otherwise. just that it’s something to be aware of if you’re not cool with having the money out of pocket possibly well before the item ships.

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For sure, and it is a valid point. Because I know Sweetwater, and some other places don’t charge until it actually ships.

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Nothing here in the UK as of yet. The way things are it may never get here.

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Look at silly me trying to watch/listen a demo vid for a device called SUBharmicon on my smartphone (speaker).

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I am! If only my company wasn t balancing on the edge of bankrupcy. Damn virus/lockdown.

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Is it just me or is PC not doing Moog a great service with this scoop video? If i hadnt seen subh OG vids i d think it makes only shrill, unmusical sounds and rhythms. Lousy musicianship in that vid.


Source (Moog’s distributors here in the UK) are pretty good. I got a Grandmother only a little while after they were released. Don’t worry, I think they’ll arrive pretty soon.

I’m GASsing for this beastie quite a bit, and now thinking about getting a three tier stand, a Mother 32 and a Subharmonicon to go with my DFAM :grimacing:


Extremely poor video by PC, not a single interesting tone or creative use of this synth’s features. They actually managed to neutralise my GAS. Well, at least the price is confirmed to be way lower than what was previously leaked.


goes to show expensive gear doesnt buy talent :wink:


Snap. That and a couple of pedals and I’ll be set!