Moog Subharmonicon

Yeah. I suspect there might be quite a few Subharmonicons available used after release because it likely won’t be an instant-results kind of machine. Kind of like with the DFAM, iirc.

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I honestly don’t think it’s going to sell much, semi-modular puts many people off and there’s a significant part of the group who would indeed buy a moog semi-modular that’d much prefer the mother 32 or even the DFAM. It’s a great deal if you’re into modular (great sound sources, interesting sequencer, moog tone etc) but can’t see it fitting into a lot people’s setups.

I’m really interested in one and so are many here, but seems like a vocal minority. It was hyped as a weird unobtainable moog synth, now I believe it’s going to lose that appeal very fast as people realise it’s a very specific machine.

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Glad I’m not the only one that thought their promo vid was pony.

All their vids seem to have the same theme though… ‘sick beats brah’ …
So over that.

It could work if the beats were actually any good hahahaha I think the fact that even the DFAM sounded terrible and was extremely poorly patched in this demo seems to indicate that it is indeed user error, not something wrong with the new subharmonicon, at least.

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Another european vendor has put it up for almost 850€… If 700 usd turns into 850€ here there is absolutely no way I’m buying this.


Seriously considering reshaping my setup into a (semi)modular/Ableton Live hybrid in favour of other hardware.

The Subharmonicon will be here eventually but not on this terms (+800EUR $#@!) , I can wait a year or so.

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All three into OT for some FX and sampling :tongue:

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yea ive been lusting after a subH for ages but would struggle to pay over €650 for it. €599 would be an insta buy for me but I gather its gonna be a good bit spicier than that. I’m happy to wait if that’s what it takes.


I think eventually it will pan out at the same price as a Mother 32 which is £599. I think people will think thats more reasonable.

The best DEMO of any Moog in my opinion. I hope it can reach these kind of peaks.

It sounds nice but I don’t hear anything new ?
Low bass , brassy sound through lush reverb.
What am I missing ?

the sequencer and its interaction with the sub-oscillators, mostly


The Moog teaser sounded lovely. The Perfect Circuit did not, although it did a decent job showing off the harmonic subdivisions polyrythmically. Not a sound designers tool. More of a composer’s. I mean look at all those inputs for the sequencer. A bunch of CV into that thing and you’ve got wild compositions going.

I love the idea of it but I don’t know if I can get down with the pretty vanilla sound.

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I’d say the individual outs for each oscillator and sub-oscillator make this a dream for whoever already has a couple VCAs and envelopes in a modular system, this thing can be an analog polyrhythmic polysynth with some very simple patching, specially considering the sequencers’ cv can now be routed individually to each sub-osc, makes up for the lack of individual cv in patch points for them in way.


The individual ins for each rhythm parameter (I am assuming these are CV inputs) also have a lot of potential for evolving rhythms, even with some very simple modulation sources.


Worst Demo ever. Nothing musical about it.

another demo!

EDIT: ok, this sounds A LOT better, I have no idea why PC thought that was a good representation of this synth


Musically, this is a better Demo (as oppose to the Perfect Circuit video). Of course the Reverb helps a lot.

There’s so much reverb on that demo it almost makes me suspicious

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At 10.15, he turns on the reverb (which was already on) :joy:

He probably rushed to get his video out there and forgot exactly when he turned the reverb on. He admits as much in Youtube comments.

He did a good job.