Most disconcerting (non-violent) films you've seen?

Did anyone even mention Get Out or Us yet?

Some violence and some laughs (which soften the eligibility to this category), but definitely unsettling viewing, and themes which I think stay with you beyond the end of the film.


oof! I remember watching this in college. I thought MY problems were bad, but after I finished this masterpiece I was like “dude, I have the world in the palm of my hand”.

top TOP scores for uncomfortable conversations in films. :upside_down_face:

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Definitely not non-violent.
This has one of the most violent scenes I have seen in a film.

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One to watch on your own in the house, late at night :grinning:

Jonathan Miller, Whistle and I’ll Come to You (1968)

Full film…

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Saw this in college, there are a bunch of moments that will forever be burned into my memory.


I don’t think it’s been mentioned here yet, so I’ll go ahead and say Don’t Look Up:

Definitely in a different category than a lot of the other films mentioned here, but got to me because it feels a bit too much like a goddamn documentary a lot of the time.

Yea, produced by the same elites that are causing the issues. Common man has no say in any of it, if it’s a documentary, it’s damn well arbitrary and the movie stars the culprits, hidden in plain sight.

Hide a stone among stones, and a man among men.

No body is redeemable in either of these. Holiday,
Bitter Moon

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Capitalism is quite happy to sell you a coopted resistance.

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Roberto Benegni’s Pinocchio.

It’s worse than all the others because he did not think his movie was in any way disturbing.

I had nightmares.

He also did a romantic comedy set during the holocaust where he made his son think a concentration camp was a game, possibly more haunting?


Jerry Lewis’ The Clown Who Cried will get leaked one day to seize the crown for inappropriate Holocaust takes.


Yeah, what Thermionic said. I never saw Life Is Beautiful. Not a big fan of remakes…

I’m sure someone has mentioned Eraserhead. But that was disconcerting in a good way.

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Loved this film - subtle, melancholic, tragic and looked amazing…

Joachim Trier’s Oslo, August 31st


is boxing helena nonviolent?
sometimes it’s hard to draw the line…
Boxing Helena - Wikipedia


I wanted Annihilation to be better. There were a couple scenes, like when they cut open that soldier and the lighthouse scene, but the rest of it was kind of messy and incoherent, not in a good way, like the script and directing were not great.

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