Most PUNCHY Drum machine

They are sup nice, despite being relatively simple, they cover NE sonic palette pretty well

I always got the most punchy beats from using the most punchy samples. That’s why I always got rid of dedicated drummachines

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Please, gives us your impressions about how they compare to each other.

I’m really thinking about getting back to euro, and I think will begin with drums. An AIO module like that seems a very interesting choice.


Take a look! Seems like on paper it’s the best kick drum ever. Sounds also VERY good:

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Probably already mentioned, the A4 has been really rewarding when it comes to making drum sounds with the added benefit of having many ways to breathe life / nuance / groove into them with all the modulation options. Between it and my Motas-6, analog drum machines covered without even owning a drum machine haha… Of course samples are a great way to go too but I find it fun / rewarding making my own drum sounds to fit the aesthetic of a track.


Motas 6?! Interesting :thinking:

Yeah, it’s a 3 voice para / mono synth which isn’t really designed to be a drum machine but due to each parameter having it’s own env / lfo, access to global lfos and a mod matrix and being able to trigger different envelopes using different CC’s it’s possible to use it as a drum machine but it definitely takes some trickery! I love it as a drum machine but I also enjoy the process of pushing machines to do things beyond what they were designed for.

I forgot to mention in my prev post, one of the things that makes the A4 such a punchy drum machine is having two resonant filters on top of all its other features and then also having quite a lot of control over two of those filters… pinging the resonance with an envelope is a good example of how to get a good bit of punch into any percussive sound.


Love my A4 for drums and bass and used that with my OT before modular drums. Enjoyed the time with Rytm MK2 as well. I’m building a small palette drum modular case with Queen Of Pentacles and Ground Control to use with the Shuttle System when it arrives soon. Samples are decent on the Squid Salmpler especially with filter and lo fi stuff and 8 tracks work well with Pamela New Workout.

If I had to get a portable all in one drum synth, I’d look at Erica Synths Sonic potions LXR, Rytm MK2 or Tanzbar v2.


Heh, interesting! Seems you like drums made of synths and synths played on drummachines!
This is always nice of course to sample motas, modular or any interesting source and build up drum tracks from those sounds!

I also (nothing new here) find my Tempest better synth than drum machine and like to program drums on Yamaha FS1r fm synth : )


The Machinedrum can be really punchy.


Thanks for the hint!

I just checked it and there´s a black friday deal for the kinematic in Europe / Slovakia.
Had to order it…
(I hope it´s okay to post it here in this thread…)


Somehow the most fun discovery during this conversation! Also grabbed one…

There are also Mordors make my heart beat faster… we will see if I strong enough to jump into that game…


This might raise a few eyebrows :eyes: but on my last batch of tracks I found myself frequently reaching for the drumbrute impact. I’m unsure if I’d attribute it to punchiness or not but really liking how it’s been sitting in mixes. Not a massive range but super pleased with most of the sounds. Despite this I ended up selling, mainly due to a cross country move but pretty much immediately regretted it.


Drums are the foundation of electronic music. The crucial factor since if you cannot get butts on the floor dancing you don’t have dance music. Drums and bass. Now if you are doing trance or house the drums are more muted. Chill ambient is easier just play mellow pads.

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AVP MAD-5 brings the mutually assured destruction. Hats cut like real hats, clap has Simmons level bite and punch, kick is as fat as an 808 but more raw, snare has snappy pitch envelope. And invi outs to send them to a compressor for more pulverizing. The thing whips, totally underrated and well kept secret. I love my rytm but the avp is raw 100% like a vintage machine, sizzles with huge oscillators and beautiful noise


The Soma Pulsar-23 is by far the punchiest drum machine I’ve ever heard.


In my experience the mud issue described in the OP is 100% a mixing issue.

I once played a md/ot/xoxbox set where I thought playing live I should “squash” my mix to get it nice and loud on the PA… guy after me played with a 303/808/909 and some pedals and blew my set away sonically. Difference was I compressed the shit out of my mix and then had the PA at 2, he had the PA at 7 with less compression and it sounded great and he was literally shaking the walls.

Turn all your levels to 0, turn up your monitors, bring up your kick and snare, then bring up everything else in order of importance.



I think it’s almost a quote from someone famous from EDM scene : ) Different Ppl, same story : )

Yeah agreed, but at the same time there’s something about each instrument which makes it more or less „punchy“, and of course overcompession and smashing dynamic range doesn’t help here…

I would add „turn down all levels to -12, not 0“

: )

The Tanzmaus Tanzbar 2 and Modor drum machine are all SUPER punchy. Tr8s is great too. I think I’ve owned 95% of drum machines on the planet and those stood out. I like all drum machines!

The Tanzmaus in particular is a really special machine. Highest recommendation.

(I have yet to play a Tanzbar 1!!)

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less is more: less (sub)low, less frequency-width, less gain… make room for each sound, and make sure you “pocket” each sound, and have enough headroom when summing/mixing the sounds that sound together. EQ your sounds to only take the freq they need. Internal digital summing engines can be tricky, so make sure you have plenty of headroom for all sounds together, or use seperate outs and an external mixer to better control mix/summing.