Moving towards a rack of gear . .

Cheers for your guidance @fattyparts.

The compressors you mention are mono I think - are they suitable for the drum buss? I create techno and would probably compress the whole of the drums and sample that into my OT.

As for the pedals . . .hmmmm my OCD tendencies are not happy with them staying around. :slight_smile:

yes, both the 1176 and Pultec EQ are mono (although there is a stereo link mod for the Warm Audio) these units are best served fo tracking mono instruments rather than doubling up for stereo mixbus duties imo. i’m quite happy working in mono, especially for drums, then mixing through stereo effects later, in the same way the Digitakt works for example.

perhaps you’re better off spending a large proportion of your budget on the Xpressor, or perhaps an SSL clone mixbus comp like the Neko. and put up with the gaps until you can afford something else? it’s better to spend more on one decent workhorse unit . the clones i mentioned are amazing for the price, but whether it’s the type of compression you’re after i have no idea. i like the sound of the 1176 a lot, it’s quite tough sounding especially with the all buttons mode. the pultec would be useful whatever your user case might be.

also, please take my advice with a pinch of salt. there’s so many rabbit holes to disappear down, ultimately you should get the stuff that inspires you the most!

@fattyparts - I really appreciate your detailed feedback; I’m looking into all the things you’re suggesting, but it’ll form part of my decision making process in the coming weeks. Thankfully, I’m in no rush so your guidance is really valuable as a tool to investigate things further.

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