MPC Thread : MPC Live - MPC X - MPC One (Part 2)

Ok, I think I’m with you now… :sunglasses:

Sounds like you’ve got 2 ways of looking at this then;

  1. you want to get the MPC files into your DAW to use/mix/finalise.

  2. you want to mix your MPC with other devices/sounds (Elektrons).

So for 1), I would probably save the project to an SD, then use Controller Mode, open the same project again and bounce the tracks to audio files.

For 2), to keep it standalone, I would bring your Elektron units’ outputs to the inputs of the MPC. Set up an MPC audio track and leave the input monitoring on.

Sequencing- you can either use Elektron patterns and sync to the MPC, or sequence them directly from the MPC as a midi track.

There are pros and cons to each.
Using Elektron patterns, you get all the seq/workflow tricks, but you have to manually change patterns. MPC can send Program Change info fine, but Elektrons change a bar late, making it pretty much useless. There are workarounds where you can make the MPC send PC messages early, but it’s a chore… easier to change manually or;

  • sequence fully from the MPC. You lose the Elektron p-locks and some tricks, but you get tightness, control and the ability to go over 4 bars/64 steps.

I personally think adding Ableton into the MPC mix when you get up to a certain stage is the best route.
Using Ableton Link has been a huge eye opener for me, it allows both platforms to work how they work best, and in sync.

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Thanks so much for the detailed guidance! :pray::pray:

Yeah for my purposes it definitely makes sense as you suggest, to just keep it simple and connect it via audio cables and MIDI, to standalone.

And just monitoring is a good idea as well, don’t know why I was so focused on ”bouncing” into standalone, i guess you could just keep writing sequences and mixing inside each box.

Ableton is also a good idea! Have to try the sync thing. Maybe just bouncing into Ableton, and finalizing arrangement there, once you reach that point

For extra fun you can sequence a drum kit from the Elektron sequencer, with retriggers and probability, then just press overdub when you have something you like…


Thanks. Sounds yummy! :yum::nerd_face:

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oooooooh, that’s a nice tip, I’ll be experimenting with that!!
Just unfortunate that the midi note assignments for the drum programs are a bit odd…
…but that too can be figured out :slight_smile:

One more question: the seller never got a receipt, he bought it second hand as well. I’m normally a bit anal about these things because it feels nicer to have a receipt if/when selling it in the future. Would you buy used gear without a receipt?

I’ve sold a ton of gear and no one has ever asked me if I had the receipt, didn’t know that was a thing…


A reciept would be a nice bonus for resale. But I’ve never looked for one.
I guess when I ask someone states remaining warranty in a listing, I’m assuming they either have a reciept or will be willing to assist with a future warranty claim.

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receipt just means it’s more likely they’re the original buyer I guess. Obviously if it’s got their name on it you know for a fact. Also it’s used to register warranty with Akai

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I think I’ll take the chance in this case as it’s an MPC Live 2 for 760 USD with the plastic screen cover still on. Too good to give up on. I’ll obviously sell my MPC One at a loss in the end, but feels like a decent upgrade cost to get the built-in battery. Not sure I’ll love the greasy black coating and lack of Program Edit button, but hopefully I’ll get used to it. :slight_smile:


The programme edit shortcut on the live is as easy as the button - you won’t miss it once muscle memory kicks in.

In fact it’s so ingrained with me that I have no idea which buttons the short cut actually are-but when I am sat at the MPC it’s just natural!

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do you have a black mpc one or an mpc one retro?

Well after listening to a lot of demos, doing a lot of research, and looking at the features I need, the sound I want, and the current price (gouging) of the vintage units I decided I am going to go with the live II.

The 60(ii) and the 3000 do sound better than the live, but the prices are crazy and they really are getting up there in age. There are going to be a lot of issues I imagine. The live sounds better than the 2000xl (which seems to lack bass and sound hollow), and with the 2000xl going for $1-2k+ on reverb that is a joke and there is no way I am giving my money to those crazy people lol.

Chopping on the live II looks like a dream, and there are so many more nice features. I’m just going to try a modern one. Hoping the portability and speaker will also be more useful than I imagine it will. I would get the one instead, but it has no individual outs so it won’t work in my setup.


Genuinely can’t see you regretting it-the Live 2 is awesome


Not sure how faithful it is, but you can slap an mpc60 or mpc3000 effect on the master of the current Mpc…

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I have a One Retro today, just bought a Live 2 black. It’s not a slam dunk upgrade, but there’s a part of me that thinks the black Live 2 looks a bit more “serious”/pro than the retro Live 2. I like that the button text is lit, for example.

On the MPC One, I feel it’s the opposite, where the retro edition looks cooler than the black. Just a matter of taste, or course. :blush:

A couple of more questions for MPC Live 2 users:

  1. Is it possible to double press Main/Grid to access the piano roll, just like on the MPC One? Or is it only possible with Shift+Main? Same question for Next Seq/XYFX, does it require a shift press or will it accept double presses too?

  2. On the MPC One, you can hold down Shift to see if Automation are in Read (yellow) or Write (red) mode. This is handy when you’re in an edit window of a plugin and the on-screen Automation icon isn’t showing. Does it work the same on the MPC Live 2, i.e. does it lit up the button differently depending on the state, despite the text of that button being “Step Seq”?

That can be changed in one of the screens to chromatic

I was tempted to do the same but I like the form factor of the One and decided I’d just grab an audio interface to get the 8-outs upgrade.

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I’ve got the black one, I like it, plus it matches my other gear being black … unless you eat tacos everyday and don’t wash your hands you should be fine haha…

think you will be very happy with the portability and quality of the speakers!