MPC Touch

Another controller?

Iā€™m personally not into touchscreens on everything.

I like physical controls.

Iā€™ve never tried Maschine/Push/Renaissance but it just depresses me how much development time/money these companies are putting in to computer/controller married hardware/software. It reaks of maximum profit/minimum imagination. Thereā€™s probably a lot of benefit to using one of these things when working in a Daw and Iā€™ll maybe pick one up eventually, but for me theyā€™re just way overpriced for something that is basically just gonna add convenience when Iā€™m on a computer but mean I have to drag a computer to shows or still export everything to other hardware. Ughā€¦ Surely some company out there can totally nail a groovebox/sampler that does both?!?


just want to try it

Maybe they are overpricesā€¦ I have a different idea about it.

At least they are not that expensive, and pretty affordable for people who want to try. Also kids can work one holiday and have an amazing first instrument that can help them to make professional beats.

For me, Maschine helped me a lot to learn about making music with hardware. And for me the next step was elektronā€¦ I found out I prefer this elektron workflow and I prefer the soundā€¦ and I found out I donā€™t need 25 vst synthsā€¦ only one amazing synth is much more powerful to me.

Not gonna lie, wish it was stand alone hardware, the new Maschine will be better etcā€¦ butā€¦ want to try it. Wonā€™t buy it, but would love to see if the workflow is any good.

Maybe they are overpricesā€¦ I have a different idea about it.

At least they are not that expensive, and pretty affordable for people who want to try. Also kids can work one holiday and have an amazing first instrument that can help them to make professional beats.

For me, Maschine helped me a lot to learn about making music with hardware. And for me the next step was elektronā€¦ I found out I prefer this elektron workflow and I prefer the soundā€¦ and I found out I donā€™t need 25 vst synthsā€¦ only one amazing synth is much more powerful to me.[/quote]
I know what youā€™re saying and I kind of agree, but I could find a second hand controller/pads unit and an app like beatmaker2 on Ipad and have a poor manā€™s version of this for like Ā£60ā€¦ I donā€™t see where the extra value is to make it worth Ā£500. If it was around Ā£250 then maybe. But you could buy a second hand mpc1000 with JJOS for this amount. Which would be much better in my opinion as an introduction to hardware like you mention. But then again I havenā€™t tried any of these Maschine-esque products so I canā€™t really speak from experience. Just think itā€™s a shame when hardware companies seem to prioritise development of this stuff over standalone units.

Maybe they are overpricesā€¦ I have a different idea about it.

At least they are not that expensive, and pretty affordable for people who want to try. Also kids can work one holiday and have an amazing first instrument that can help them to make professional beats.

For me, Maschine helped me a lot to learn about making music with hardware. And for me the next step was elektronā€¦ I found out I prefer this elektron workflow and I prefer the soundā€¦ and I found out I donā€™t need 25 vst synthsā€¦ only one amazing synth is much more powerful to me.[/quote]
I know what youā€™re saying and I kind of agree, but I could find a second hand controller/pads unit and an app like beatmaker2 on Ipad and have a poor manā€™s version of this for like Ā£60ā€¦ I donā€™t see where the extra value is to make it worth Ā£500. If it was around Ā£250 then maybe. But you could buy a second hand mpc1000 with JJOS for this amount. Which would be much better in my opinion as an introduction to hardware like you mention. But then again I havenā€™t tried any of these Maschine-esque products so I canā€™t really speak from experience. Just think itā€™s a shame when hardware companies seem to prioritise development of this stuff over standalone units. [/quote]

I asked this on the NI forum. People were not really interested. They look for ā€˜possibilitiesā€™, not for quality, in my opinion. Also, they spend as much as elektronauts do, but they buy Komplete, Maschine and a computer. I think it can almost be seen as a different market.

I think it is funny to see Icicle talking about his Maschine, connected to the MacMini, without any screen connected to it. He kind of goes standalone, with the endless possibilities with Reaktor, Maschine and maybe Ableton.

Another thingā€¦ for me it was very difficult to find music maschines that fit with my workflow, ideas about how to make a good live set, and good sound. At the end, buying a AR was just an expensive tryout, that worked out very well. There will be a lot of people that will be happy with their 600 tryout music controller, later they will go further later.

When I saw it and thought ā€˜fucking hell, itā€™s a standalone sampler with pads and a touch screenā€™ I nearly died. And then the slow realisation that itā€™s actually a waste of timeā€¦ so disappointing :frowning:

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the Octatrack with this screen would be awesome!

At first I was like YEAH, then I was like nope.
Also, the demo sounds awful.

Maybe they are overpricesā€¦ I have a different idea about it.

At least they are not that expensive, and pretty affordable for people who want to try. Also kids can work one holiday and have an amazing first instrument that can help them to make professional beats.

For me, Maschine helped me a lot to learn about making music with hardware. And for me the next step was elektronā€¦ I found out I prefer this elektron workflow and I prefer the soundā€¦ and I found out I donā€™t need 25 vst synthsā€¦ only one amazing synth is much more powerful to me.[/quote]
I know what youā€™re saying and I kind of agree, but I could find a second hand controller/pads unit and an app like beatmaker2 on Ipad and have a poor manā€™s version of this for like Ā£60ā€¦ I donā€™t see where the extra value is to make it worth Ā£500. If it was around Ā£250 then maybe. But you could buy a second hand mpc1000 with JJOS for this amount. Which would be much better in my opinion as an introduction to hardware like you mention. But then again I havenā€™t tried any of these Maschine-esque products so I canā€™t really speak from experience. Just think itā€™s a shame when hardware companies seem to prioritise development of this stuff over standalone units. [/quote]

I asked this on the NI forum. People were not really interested. They look for ā€˜possibilitiesā€™, not for quality, in my opinion. Also, they spend as much as elektronauts do, but they buy Komplete, Maschine and a computer. I think it can almost be seen as a different market.

I think it is funny to see Icicle talking about his Maschine, connected to the MacMini, without any screen connected to it. He kind of goes standalone, with the endless possibilities with Reaktor, Maschine and maybe Ableton.

Another thingā€¦ for me it was very difficult to find music maschines that fit with my workflow, ideas about how to make a good live set, and good sound. At the end, buying a AR was just an expensive tryout, that worked out very well. There will be a lot of people that will be happy with their 600 tryout music controller, later they will go further later.[/quote]
No offense meant but Native Instruments forum is probably the last place Iā€™d ask something like ā€˜is standalone hardware important/exciting etcā€™ if I wanted an answer that represented the people out there that buy hardware. From the success of maschine and push everyone can see theres a market and some benefits to controller/software bundles for work with computer. Just would love to see akai step up and charge a reasonable price for their versionā€¦and more importantly bring out a new standalone MPCā€¦ And not fuck it up :wink:

I remember hearing about this a while back, be interested to learn more about it when/if itā€™s released.

According to the devs, ā€œpeople want to use omnisphere inside their MPCā€, so it couldnā€™t be standalone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

What is cool about the touch is that, at least in theory, you can use the touchscreen as an extra monitor for your computer. If this gets implemented properly, you might be able to switch between controlling the MPC software and other apps (like your DAW).

but thereā€™s someone rumoring that this was just one of three new Akai products ā€œand one of them is dopeā€ā€¦ So something else might come up soon?

fwiw standalone MPCs are all I want, but all these controller developments are fascinating from a nerdy gadgety pov

same exact feeling

Another Nukai product that should have been nuked from orbit. :joy:

Not feeling remorse about the MPC1000 and all the upgrades I bought a few months ago, thatā€™s for sure.

I totall shat when, after purchasing an MPC2500 off eBay, I spotted the MPC Touch teasers. But, while waiting on the MPC to arrive I realised I wouldnt regret it at all. So near yet so far Akai!
On the subject of the MPC - have you integrated with other Elektron gear? Still getting my head around it but looking to set up my OT/MnM/AK and MPC2500 together. Just dunno how to midi it all up best and how to sort out programme changes!
Bought a DVD ROM for the MPC though - so much fun having direct recording of CDs. I know itā€™s possible with cabling on the OT but just seems more natuarl on the MPC.

What roles do you want the two instruments to play?

Hereā€™s a thread to get you thinking:

Let us know if you have any specific questions.
