Munro Sonic Egg monitors

My amp also makes a hum, which I would’ve thought was normal for an amp that size but I wonder if everyone else’s does this too?

Andy Munro doesn’t produce the eggs anymore - it seems to be the responsibility of sedgewall.

I indeed sent a message to Sedgewall, with no success. Maybe should I phone them to obtain assistance. The Munro Eggs appears on their product page. Such a noticeable hiss is an issue for me. My Abacus C-box are dead silent.

I’m in France too but haven’t noticed this, I’ll check in the evening though.
Do you hear that hiss from the sweet spot or only when getting closer to the monitors?

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I’m going to contact to gear4music first. Usually these returns are instigated by the vendor I think. It is becoming annoying and gets more annoying every time I turn the speakers on…

On the phone with gear4music just now and they are instigating a return for repair. Super helpful and quick. I need to send them a vid an description and they are arranging a pickup on Friday.

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No it’s not distance depending or whatsoever. It’s an amp hiss independent from volume.

I think I’ll do the same as soon as I come back home. Do you plan to send back the whole system or just the amp ?

It’s the whole system. They have arranged a courier to come and get it though, so no too much hassle. Hopefully they can fix this - the dudes at sedgewall are electronic specialists but they aint music specialists! I think we maybe have old stock?

I’m sure an electronic engineer worth his salt can eradicate noise in any system.

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Ok, mine is silent then.
Sorry for both of you, I hope they can fix it.

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I’ve got these (Neumann KH120) and can confirm they’re great monitors. Solid aluminium construction too.

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I canceled my order. Thought I got the last new ones, but apparently they dont have them in stock.
Hope you all get yours fixed If you have problems.

I get very very low level noise on mine, mainly a very light hiss but I do hear some buzz too. It’s pretty quiet overall imo. I also notice if I kick the EQ knob to the left, it boosts it a bit and to the right it’s virtually silent.
This is not a deal breaker to me at all but that’s not to discount other’s opinions.
I boxed up the JBLs already but I’m pretty sure they were a tad noisier.

That sounds exactly the same issue but I wouldn’t describe it as very very low at my end. I’d have to turn my behringer truths up to high volumes to get that level of hiss but by the same token it isn’t a loud sound at all. I would say that when the mid EQ setting is on the far left, it is a fairly loud hiss and would be unacceptable to me if this was the normal listening setting.
If it is the result of some QC issue, then it could potentially worsen over time.

It’s not a deal-breaker for me either but I’d rather they were whisper quiet if possible. Although you have got me wondering if I am being overly fussy!

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so do you guys equate this sound to your laptop fan kicking on or is this far less of an issue for you than something like that because to be honest laptop fans drive me crazy, if it rises to that I would definitely send it back

@CompNutation it definitely sounds like yours is much worse.
@captain8 it’s extremely low for me. My laptop fan is kicking right now (moderately) and I can’t hear the speakers at all.
Edit: put is this way, I didn’t even notice it until it was brought up in the thread. I also have a fairly well treated studio space (lots of “Safe and Sound” home made panels).

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It aint as loud my macbook fan - that is pretty damn loud tho. I didn’t pick up on this as an issue either until I read the other posts but to be fair they weren’t sitting powered on with no music playing either, so I wouldn’t have noticed much.
If it was the actual noise floor of the speakers then I wouldn’t return them but this noise seems like bad grounding/poor build etc.

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thanks for your insights, I’ll finally be able to hear this for myself this evening


Don’t be put off - I’m super happy with the overall sound - a massive improvement!


Mine is louder than my MBP16 fan and it’s a very different sound, more hissy and annoying.

that’s awful, hope you can get it sorted!

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So I just discovered something interesting. I accidentally applied a bit of pressure to the EQ knob and immediately got a lot of hum/noise. As stated before, it seemed to be much louder in the “-” side, moderate in the “0” and completely silent in the “+” side.
So, I thought maybe I should lightly pull on the knob to prevent that from happening and of course (which I should have realized) the knob came right out.
Now the real interesting part, when I touch the naked Pot, blammo, tons of noise!
Clearly there is some grounding issues or something in this particular part of the signal path. Thankfully it’s not present when not applying pressure. I still have some very light white noise when in “-”.
Not sure it will help those with lots of noise, but I would recommend removing the knob or at least pulling it back a bit and seeing if that helps. Maybe a rubber knob replacement might help.
I honestly have no idea but thought it might be helpful to someone.