Munro Sonic Egg monitors

Interesting find! Mine are packed up an ready to go. I cross-checked with my old behringer and the eggs were indeed at least twice as noisy with the mid eq set to flat. That pot shaft is squint on my amp

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Ok, so it’s a design flaw. That would be a shame to screw such a good product with a such a basic mistake. I’ll check this when I’m back home.

ok so it took no time at all to see the issue/problem… 2 separate things, one there is a constant hi pitched hiss with all settings at zero and nothing Is plug into the munro system… not even a mixer, nor audio interface…

two and more troubling is that I can confirm what others have found earlier that the EQ knob is the culprit of the of the lower pitched and louder hum, further more I didn’t have to take the EQ knob off my unit, simply touching the EQ knob with my fingers makes it buzz like you’re touching the end of an audio cable that is inserted into a mixer… if I touch the EQ with one finger I get the buzz, if I touch it with my pointer finger and thumb as if to turn it I get the buzz again but a little louder… I can also confirm that with the EQ setting to the + sign there is no buzz, but center 0 and left - sound about the same for me.

worst of all is this… when turning the knob from - to 0 and back to - sometimes I get crackle like dirty pots on a vintage synth but not as loud…

the crux of this whole issue though is that I could probably live with all of it except the crackle but even that only happens 1 out of every 3 times adjusting the knob and also it doesn’t happen at all if you’re not touching the EQ knob.

so this is my experience without having anything connected to the amp other than the eggs, also the amp is connected to a monster power conditioner as well so it might be worse if it was connected straight to the wall outlet… I’m still excited to try this out so I won’t send them back right away I’ll give it a week… it is disconcerting though because you don’t have to be an audiophile to notice these issues… update now that they’ve been on for a bit the - is def worse than the center 0 setting, and still the + is silent.
I can literally reproduce little crackles just by touching the EQ and not even turning the knob.

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are any of you guys/gals using your eggs via external monitoring like a big knob or directly and preferring either?

I have mine (munro amp) connected to my UAD Apollo 8 which sort of has its own amplifier so in a way it’s a double trouble setup. I have my UAD’s monitor output/volume set to 50% the rest I regulate via the Munro amp.

Mine are completely silent by the way and the amp doesn’t have any of the oddities going that some of you have described here. friend of mine got a pair as well - for him one of the LEDs was shot but otherwise his are silent as well.

Hope everyone gets their sets sorted

where do you keep yours set, - 0 or +?

I’ve just had a play about with mine.

Now I’ve got tinnitus and I’m half deaf, so take my experience with that in mind.

I’ve tried it on all EQ settings, messed about with the knob, plugged stuff in and out, shook it all about and I can’t hear a thing. They’re silent to my (broken) ears.

Having said that, the EQ knob doesn’t fill me with confidence, I definitely feel like it’s a weak point in the build and may well be the cause of some of these problems.


Mine will go back to Gear4Music for repair. A guy from Sedgewall confirmed that EQ shouldn’t be noisier on the central and left positions. I’ve also considered a full refund to buy something else, but I’m not sure to find a system on par with the Munro for that price.


Same for me.

@captain8 I have the EQ setting on mine set to 0.

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what’s your local, and what was the return /repair process like did they send someone to pick them up etc…?

Local transporter you mean ? It’s GLS/UPS. The pick up is scheduled for Monday. The return process is pretty simple through G4M’s website. Now fhat’s a pity to send back this huge package (think small fridge) when the issue is only the amp.

they paid for ship back to them and return to you I’m sure, I’m in the states and not looking forward to sending mine back for repair

Well, got some bad news. After a few days of just listening to professionally mixed music, I thought the eggs were perfect.
However, after spending a few days trying to work with them mainly with the digitakt and digitone, I discovered that the stereo image was off. I spent the last three days positioning, swapping cables (left and right) swapping the eggs, and using different synths and audio interfaces only to come to the realization that the amp is pushing out roughly 2db hotter to the left side.
I just set up the return and supposedly they are gonna be picked up on Monday. I requested a replacement but doubt that’s even an option. I mentioned I’d be willing to accept a repair if that meant they would extend the full refund/return period so I can be sure the repair fixed the issue (and not be stuck with them).
I’m pretty bummed. They sound 10 times better/more transparent than my JBL’s and I’m pretty sure I’ll need to spend at least double to get monitors that will be as revealing as the eggs.
After all the praise I gave these things I feel a bit stupid (dare I say “egg on my face” :smile: ).
Oh well. Hopefully something will work out and they will come back in a proper fashion.


Have you played with the trims on the back ? Maybe it’s the key of this issue.

I just tried again today. As I was worried I over taxed my ears last night.
From about 500hz and lower things are okay, but the more I go up, the less I get in the right side. Even with HF/LF all the way down on left side and all the way up on right I’m hitting between 1 and 3 db difference. I even tried opposit settings in case the manual or the amp itself was backwards.

The issue was very apparent when using any reverb. It would sound like reverb was coming out of the left side almost entirely. Particular the tail.
Using the filters I was able to pull it back towards the middle but not anywhere close enough.

I even busted out REW (room eq wizard) and my umik-1 calibration mic to see if I had any severe nulls. I do have one pretty bad at 80hz but the highend is reasonably good.

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Mine went back to G4M today. The process will probably take weeks now. I’m happy I kept my trusty Abacus C-Box 3 (wonderful tiny boxes). Still debating to keep the Eggs or find some reliable replacement system at this price point or slightly above. Mission impossible I guess. I have a quite good pair of cans (Focal Clear Pro) but I don’t like headphones.

are you in Europe, the states, etc?

a lengthy process is really what I’m worried about as well

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I’m in France. The return process will take at least 3 weeks I guess. I’ll survive.

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:frowning: well I doubt it would be as good as that then in my case being in California, may I ask you how you felt about setting up the process with them, were they understanding and helpful or did you feel reluctance on their part ?

Yeah, the process was easy, no problem on their side. Anyway, it’s under warranty.

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