Munro Sonic Egg monitors

Hey! I’m just thinking about Abacus C-Box 4 - anything you like to share why you’re trying to replace your C-Box 3?

The C-Box 3 were my first serious monitors. I bought them from a shop nearby my hometown where you can buy 5k or 10k systems like Amphions stacks (and 1k cables…). The guy only sells serious hi-fi/pro gear. The CB3 are really small-desktop monitors but they are fantastic, especially for electronic music as they go down pretty low. The construction is awesome (German quality !) and I never had any issue since I bought them, maybe 5 years ago. The noise floor is unnoticeable and they are dead silent (no hiss or hum). They don’t depend on the room, as they are too small to shake anything. I mean you can drive them pretty loud, but they won’t give you the thump of large cones. On the other hand, they are absolutely non fatiguing because you don’t need to push them.
Now they’re small, and that’s limiting their range and ‘openness’. They don’t ‘sing’ as the Eggs, if I can say. I wonder if I’ll keep them when the Munro is back, I’ll have to A/B seriously. I produced and mixed all my stuff on them and, despite being a pure amateur, the transfer is pretty solid from the CB3 to other systems (but hey, I’m still learning). They don’t lie, but the screen is tight. With the Munro, I appreciate a broader scene and a more precise stereo, especially in the upper mids/highs. It’s a bit like comparing closed and open headphones.
When I bought them, the CB4 wasn’t out, so I can’t compare. But I know Abacus makes incredible quality products for a very decent price. You can’t go wrong with them. Hope it helps.

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Interestingly, G4M now sells the Munro… 1000€ more than it was offered a few weeks ago. Crazy.


Hey! Many thanks for taking some time to summarise this. It’s really helpful and confirms the impression/hopes I’m having. :pray:t2:

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It’s a nearly new set.
It’s probably a returned set that they sold at £750 :rofl:

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Yeah that really was a crazy ass sale, that‘s why I was so excited. These retailed for 4k for more than 10 years. But I’m a little bummed out about the quality control issues some of you seem to have/had. Mine are flawless, and the quality of production was supposed to have improved significantly after Andy Munro ended the partnership with SE Electronic and moved production to the UK…clearly there seem to have been issues after all though.

Hope everyone gets their speakers/amps sorted and will be able to enjoy these without any issues!


I hope it’s not like a Landrover : luxurious but unreliable :rofl:


Mine have been back since a week past on Monday - no word as of yet. Man those eggs are proper awkward to handle. I was shitting myself getting them back in the box.

It seems like some units were built by someone that had just given the fuck up on their job. As long as no out of stock components have been damaged, I’m hopefull they’ll fix them.

Really sucks hooking the behringer’s back up. Especially the low end…sounds so woolly now…I could hear so much texture and tone in the low end from the eggs, sculpting kick drums was a real pleasure!

It’s showing as £1671 on the UK g4m site atm!


Well that’s been 3 weeks since I sent mine back and I called today for an update. They decided that they couldn’t repair the speakers and would credit my store account with the cost but nobody ever called or emailed to tell me. Pretty fukin raging to say the least!

They have 1 pair of b stock in and I am slightly tempted to still go for them but if they are not able to repair them, then what kind of investment is that. They had no answers as to why they couldn’t be repaired - the whole thing is not sitting right with me now. Hmmmm…

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Thanks for the update. That’s a bad news indeed.

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Hoping they are not actually the speakers you sent back…


I’d say it’s a 50:50 chance they are.


Wouldn’t be surprised at this point. Seems like somebody might’ve found all these eggs hidden away in the back of the stock room an selling them off to pay for a staff night out…


wtf, seriously… so what would have happened if you sent them back to be repaired after your return window had passed, being still under warranty they would have had to repair them right… I’m kinda shocked, haven’t sent mine out yet?

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I did ask this and they said they would issue a refund/CN. The G4M techs tried to fix them, not sedgewall apparently. Just seems aw kinds of wrong!

man this is unfortunate, not sure what’s goin on here… according to all of the magical fairy specs nobody but sedgwall was supposed to be able to do the job right, you couldn’t even just send the amp back alone because each set had to be specially tuned together with the amp… why would G4M even be a part of the equation?

I still have time on my window, but now I’m both hesitant to send or keep

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This is strange because I’m in touch with Sedgewall and they said they should receive soon my unit from G4M. I gave them the S/N and asked for a direct report after they evaluate the issue. I need to know who’s behind my gear.

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Well I would probably take what I was told with a pinch of salt - the sales guy was pretty clueless about most things and when I called back it only got worse. I’m gonna phone tomorrow and get to the bottom of this. Trying to keep it civil with G4M customer service but they’re not exactly making it easy for me…

I know I’m not getting another set of monitors in this price range that sound anywhere near that good, so I really wanna get this resolved!

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well thanks both of you for the info, the plot is thickening, hope it will get resolved for all of us

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I just had an update from Sedgeway, so the factory is a serious backup if there’s a problem for the next 5 years under warranty. It was a ground issue as I suspected. They resoldered the mains and improved some details. I’m eager to hear those Eggs :smile: