Munro Sonic Egg monitors

Well after 2 more calls, the last one was 40mins but the dude was super helpful - if you ever have probs with G4M - ask for Elliot!
It seems like they have processed this as a return and not a repair by mistake. I said I was happy to take the b stock pair if they extend the warranty back to 3 years, rather than wait any longer for the repair. Should be with me on Monday but no guarantee they won’t have the noise issue as well but I will be no worse off than I am today I guess.


Sincerely hope everyone on here will end up with a working, flawless set of speakers & amp. Mine continues to be so nice I still can‘t believe the value I got here. Fingers crossed that those with issues will join the „in working order“ club soon!


I inadvertently ordered G4M’s ex demo pair of the Egg’s during the great Egg buying frenzy of 2023… I realised my mistake before they’d shipped them and went to swap them over for new ones… read some fault beef, and figured I might as well get the demo ones as they’ll be broken in and any faults would have been noticed.
Kind Regards, Sir Smugness.

(Hope everyone gets sorted though.)

Frankly, if the unit has been returned for a bad reason, ie a hum or ground noise or whatsoever, I don’t know if it’s a great deal. Ask at least G4M to test it before sending the package, if possible.

If there’s any issues I’ll just send them back and ask for my original pair to be returned after they’re fixed.

I did ask for them to test for the noise issue but obviously policy trumps common sense, the environment and shipping costs.

it’s as if you guys sent yours back to two different places


The noise can come from the usb interface! Or better to say, it’s coming from the computer but the interface can have a faulty design.
I’ve had the same problem with some of my interfaces; ie Roland Studio Capture couldn’t stop the noise coming from my computer (the noise is usually always there passed through a usb cable but some interferences have their circuits designed in a way to block the noise when they are turned on; but can still pass it to the speakers when turned off) but at the time i had Neumann KH120A speakers with a ground loop killer switch at the back so they could compensate the bad design of the Roland interface. Now i have a Motu interface (when i turn it on the noise stops) and another speakers, same comp though, in the same room, plugged into the same socket and no problems with hum/noise/ground loops.

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Hah yeah it does. Well @tguyfr followed up on his - I just left them to it. Never had any bother with warranty repairs before. Never had any issues with G4M either. Once somebody could actually work out what had happened, they’ve been very supportive

@Castor alas the noise was there with nothing connected to the amps inputs and no other gear powered on.
I’m also on a MOTU (M4) and have 0 issues - sounds super crisp and clean to my ears too. Had the 828mk2 20 years ago and it was rock solid as well, I like MOTU!

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Well ladies and gentlemen, it appears I shall be the Eggman once again.
I just got an email stating that my replacement pair is on its way.
I was of course confused as they made it sound like I was just getting refunded. After writing customer support, they stated they just received another batch from their “supplier” and because I mentioned I would be willing to accept a replacement, they shipped them out.
I confirmed they are new and not repaired or refurbished.
So, I guess these are still in production???
Anyway, they’ll be here Friday. Despite the confusion and kinda strange behaviour of their support, I’m very pleased to try a new set.


what the heck!!!

did they check the issue for you?

Man this is such the opposite experience to myself. Shit just went from bad to proper ridiculous for me.

I got my replacement b stock pair on Monday. Some of the speaker packaging was missing, so the EGGS were just rolling around in there and one of the heavy rubber bases was actually sitting right inside the woofer cone wtf. They also still had the noise issue which I was pretty much expecting.
Phones them up to start another return and had a rant about the packaging and how I would rather just have my old well packaged set back after being repaired. Well it turns out this is my old set - they fuckin sent me the same speakers back in error and destroyed the packaging in the process…starting to think one of my ex’s is working in the warehouse at G4M

I emailed the manufacturer on Monday, explained the saga and asked if they could pay extra attention to this pair and replace the packaging - I’ve still not heard back…I’m pretty much ready for a refund.

Edit: I see they are showing another 8 sets in stock - feck me, surely they must send me a new set. If that don’t happen, I’m defo out.

Ah, shitbags.
Order placed.

Nope. The first response I got was “once we receive them, we’ll credit your original payment. It will take 5 to 10 business day”.

The next thing I hear is “sorry for the delay, we are awaiting a shipment from our supplier to send out your replacement”.

I wrote back asking wtf they were talking about and they assured me it was a brand new set and they received a new shipment.

They’ll be here Friday

Man that sucks!
Very strange how they are treating us all a bit different.
I’m on board this one last time. If they have any issues, I’m saving up for Genelecs

All my mixes sound like eggzcrement.

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How are these for bassy genres like techno? Good enough without a sub or are other monitors in the price range better?

From what I’ve read it sounds like they’re pretty good for small rooms/lower volumes (which is my current situation), is that fair?

They’re not going to shake your window frames, but I’d describe the bass as tight and present, not boomy, but maybe lacking a bit of thunder. All the bass information is there, which makes them great for mixing with, but you might feel a little disappointed the first few times you use them until you get used to them. I’ve come from using cheap KRKs, so can’t really compare them in their own price range, but I’m really happy with the low end on the music I’m making with the eggs, I feel like I’m not guessing nearly as much during mixing with the bass.

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Nice, that’s great information, thanks. I was using a pair of Event 2020 BAS v3 which sounded fun but I’m not sure how accurate the bass was, probably somewhat hyped.

My space is smaller now so I got some iLoud MTM at a great price but seeing the bargain on these just made me wonder if it’s worth investing for the future - TBH I make most of my music on headphones on the sofa right now as we are in a flat and I don’t have a great space to work but if we moved somewhere with more space I’d love to get some higher end monitors. Realistically unlikely to live anywhere without neighbours so I don’t really want ridiculous bass or volume. My partner wouldn’t be overly enthused with more barely used music stuff taking up space in the meantime though lol

They do sound pretty good at all volumes, but if you’re short on space be mindful that the setup as a whole, with the speakers and the amp, is pretty big.

Having said that, I’m using mine pretty close together right now (about 1.2 metres apart) and they still sound excellent. I know it’s been said on here a bunch, but the detail of the stereo image is insane. One of my reference tracks is A tooth for an eye by The Knife, it’s a completely different experience listening to it on the eggs, so much stuff I’d just never noticed before, and I know that song really well.