Munro Sonic Egg monitors

KH120 are very good, but in terms of tier, the Eggs are at least 1.5 tiers above the KH120.

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Thanks - now I’m excited to receive them even more :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: (if the box fits through the door lol)


I contacted Sedgewall before. I only trust technicians :wink:
I haven’t received back my system yet. I’m pretty sure this issue could have been easily fixed by my local tech without this horrendous carbon print sending back a 26kg package across the Channel.


Thanks. Looks like sedgewall are only based in Luton. That’s like a 30 min train ride for me. Tempted to see if they will just let me drop the amp off with them!

Edit: I’ve dropped Sedgewall a message so I’ll see what they say. Tbh it is a very low level hiss on mine. Barely noticeable. And the grounding issue on the Mid EQ knob is also very subtle (and it’s not like you have your hands on it all the time). Probably liveable with, and otherwise they sound glorious. Really not sure that I can be fannied with a fruitless back and forth with G4M without a clear plan. So I’ll see what Sedgewall say. If they reckon there is a quick fix and that the return/repair process looks watertight, then it will probably be worth it. Otherwise I might just sit with them for a bit and see how much of an issue it actually is.

But @tguyfr do let us know what your returned unit is like when you get it. Keen to know if it is something that can be fixed satisfactorily.

I had the noise when touching the eq knob too. I found pulling the knob out a hair fixed it.
You could also try a non conductive rubber knob.

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It is a pretty big box! Though I was expecting even bigger lol. Luckily the UPS guy had it on a trolley and was happy to take it up to my flat in the lift :sweat_smile:. Not sure I’ll have time to set them up today but I’m excited after reading a tonne of reviews!

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Ah man, unfortunately I think they’ll need to go back.

I’ve got a constant hum from the speakers. Not super loud but loud enough to be annoying! There’s also a bit of white noise and a quiet hum from the amp which doesn’t bother me, but the hum from the speakers is quite bad. This is both with something and connected, and I’ve tried different positions of the knobs, touching them etc. as mentioned elsewhere.

Shame as I tried them out and they sound amazing otherwise but I don’t think I can handle hum like that. I’ve scanned the thread and noticed one other person had hum issues – is everyone else’s fine? TBH I will probably just return and live with what I have for now, don’t fancy getting involved in a constant return/repair dance!

Starting to look like G4M have been a bit sneaky sneaky with this “new stock”…

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Yeah quite possibly! Not to worry, nothing ventured nothing gained etc!

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Also the right speaker bass sounds off, almost like there’s something slightly loose - it’s different to the left one, I thought something might be reverberating but it’s the speaker itself. Wonder if these are just returns repackaged :thinking: They do have amazing clarity though. Bit of a shame. But also realistically too unwieldy for my current setup so I’ll take it as a sign…

Make a note of the serial number, and we’ll see if another 'naut gets sent the same set after you return them!

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That’s a really good idea, will do! Just completed the return form so hopefully that all goes smoothly at least :slight_smile:

The legend of the cursed eggs

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Yours sounds worse than mine to be honest. I have no noise audible at the amp itself and the hum at the monitors is very quiet.
It’s the buzzy knob I’m worried about. It’s not so much the fact it buzzes. As above, can live with that, but it suggests that something inside is not right, and worrying for problems down the line.

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Yeah I wonder if they had quality control issues during the production run, or some of these are returns that were found in the back of a warehouse.

Edit: tbh this could make total sense, someone at G4M finds a load of speakers they didn’t know existed in the warehouse and decided they might as well sell them off cheap and see what happens as they were basically written off anyway… or even a third party finds them and sells them cheap to G4M. I’m sure I’ve heard similar things happen with hardware at companies I’ve worked.

Glad it worked out for some anyway!

Thanks for the updates. How do you both like the sound of them

^this is why I wanted em fixed. The noise was bearable but if there’s a cold soldered joint in there it’s gonna fail after X amount of power cycles.
Thanks for the updates folks!

Only listened to a couple of tracks on them but they sound super clear. Almost made my head feel a bit funny how clear they sounded lol. The bass didn’t blow me away, from memory my Event 20/20 BAS v3 (relegated to the cupboard as I was worried about sound levels in our new place!) had more bass but this is definitely clearer. I’m probably just going to package them away as I don’t want to get involved with repairs/multiple returns really (just can’t be bothered) so I don’t really want to know what I am missing haha

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There is obviously info missing from the last 1.5 octaves of the sub range but I found what is there is really detailed and textured. I aint hearing that lower octave in my small studio room anyways. he quality pf the bass was there for me.
That’s a shame that it didn’t work out for you.

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Yeah… I will probably give them a couple more goes actually, just in case I decide that it is worth the return dance haha

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I am also very impressed with the sound on them. Would struggle going back to my prev monitors after hearing them. Did you hear back from Sedgewall yet?

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