Munro Sonic Egg monitors

I was more than a little nervous when mine arrived today… massive hole in the side of the box.

Thankfully/somehow the boxes inside weren’t even marked and I’m listening to em right now and I’m super-impressed.

Also, no grounding/noise here, thankfully. I hope the people who do have those issues get things sorted!

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Yeah that was my thoughts - don’t wanna go back!
Nah I never heard back and didn’t follow up. I’d emailed them before asking about the eggs an they got back within a few hours. I should’ve typed a new email instead of replying to the old one I guess…still…seems quite shitty.

Yasss this is getting sporting now - my 3rd pair should be here Wednesday - will see…

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Oof - fingers crossed for you!

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You’ll have saved on a gym membership at least.



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lol, I actually have a sore back :rofl:

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So I got the new pair in today. Same exact issues and a few new ones on top. I know they are not the same speakers at least as the led in the right side is completely off. You have to look at it at a 45 deg angle for it to be remotely bright.

I’m also noticing that they are only allowing me to “repair” when trying to return them. Oh hell no! I’ll call tomorrow and straighten that out.

The audio is clearly stronger in the left side, just like the last pair. I’m not going through the testing I did last time (several days worth) but what could I be missing?

  • set up in a different space, still notice the issue
  • used a different audio input device (previously was Fireface 800, this time my MPC Live 2)
  • tried two different sets of cables and even mixed them… changed nothing

However, here is something interesting. If I swap the Speakon cables (amp to egg) and put the Left Amp out to the Right Egg, the issue is nearly non existent. In the normal setup, it’s easily noticed.
I even tried simply swapping those cables (i.e. back to left amp to left egg but changing out which cable was in which side).

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. How could I end up with two sets that have the same issue? My old monitors do not have this issue at all.

Other issues:

  • Right Speakon Jack on the amp is funky, it takes some serious effort to get the jack into it.
  • Much more noise/hum in these vs the last pair
  • the right LED is completely off and entirely useless.
  • the right speaker has a quite noticeable gash/scratch in the face plate.
  • All of the knobs on the amp have some sort of issue. The Main and Aux have gashes in them, like someone scrapped them pretty good, the noise issue is still there just like the last amp (touch the knob, loud noise) and the Main/Aux switch knob is built poorly so it touches the face place on the left side when turning.

I’m officially done. The build quality is worse the second time around and monitors that don’t put centered stuff in the center are useless.

Looks like I’m saving up for Genelecs…


Yeah it sounds like there are probably a bunch of QC issues and possibly we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel of shipping returns back out again - maybe not though! As long as they’re willing to pay return shipping it doesn’t matter too much I guess…

Should be receiving mine today or tomorrow (seems like there might be a UPS delay) - :crossed_fingers: for a new pair without problems. Based on experiences here - if any issues will just return for refund right away and not attempt any swap


Whole this topic sounds crazy. I wonder how this is possible nowadays fo f*** up such a beautiful design by such a poor QC. I’d be curious to have Mr Munro’s input on this. But is he still in business ?

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Was anyone else subjected to this œufiness in the local newspaper as a kid?

Just wanted to update.
Called Gear4Music and the rep couldn’t have been nicer.
He admitted that they are seeing a lot of issues with the Eggs and we both had a few chuckles talking smack about them. He said he hadn’t heard of the bad stereo image issue I’m having but has heard lots about noise and grounding issues.
Anyway, they will be picked up tomorrow and a full refund heading my way.
I’m heavily leaning toward Genelec 8040b’s. It will be a bit before I can spend that much so the JBL’s are back on the stands.


Haha yeah I called them to change a detail about the collection and the guy said the same, said I was best getting rid of them. Lots of pairs being returned for hum issues.

Evidently not meant to be! TBH figuring out where to put the amp was causing headaches and my partner said they’re ridiculously ugly so it’s probably for the best :joy:

Ordered from Gear4Music - I have MID EQ knob noise at - and 0 as well as what I percieve to be a stereo field issue with sounds stronger out of the right speaker as you describe. :frowning:

bears repeating everyone make sure you document your serial numbers

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Yep my replacements arrived today and the noise is there and the right speaker is way quieter than the left. Done all the cable swapping tests and still the same results.

I guess I will be making a final return to G4M - hopefully no hassles with money back. They’re website is actually really expensive for a lot of gear, so don’t fancy no credit note.

my second pair is on the way, will report to the group when they’ve arrived… ok, tommy would you like to share something with the group?

Dang… sorry that’s going down for you.
I almost decided to pop open the amp and see if there was an adjustable trimmer or something… then I came to my senses.
Such a shame that the QC is so incredibly poor.

Dang another one? I guess I’m feeling a bit better knowing I’m not crazy nor is my studio space messed up (treatment wise).

Looks like there are more than a few rotten eggs in the batch