Mutable Instruments Beads

Well obviously Beads won’t be there for awhile yet. Emilie releases the code when she recoups her expenses…though in Beads case it’ll be much sooner than usual.

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Sure. The idea of playing with this system in virtual form ia all about familiarizing oneself with the modules under consideration for interacting with Beads - the modulation sources, filter(s), etc.


Love the panel. I need to get a few of these as they self isolate, emitting a perfect sine, which can then be used for psychoacostic sound making.


I just finished up making a track for this week’s Disquiet Junto project & thought I’d post it here too, as I made quite heavy use of Beads in this track.

In this one, Beads is in good old “scorched tape” mode & is processing a Plaits in granular formant oscillator mode, plus some guitar into it’s other input. Quite a quick track to put together, as my music time at the moment is a case of grabbing a quick window while my daughter is napping. Anyone who is interested in more about the process can read more on the thread linked above. Would also encourage anyone who is interested in regular creative prompts to try the Disquiet Junto out for yourselves. I absolutely love participating in it & get a great deal out of the experience.


Beads into Clouds is where it’s at


Did not have time to go really into it this weekend, just a little fun hurried play with the lyra8 into Beads.

Want to roll some Tascam tape into scorched cassette for some NoFi.

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I haven’t watched/listened to any Beads yet.
There is really no point.
I love Clouds therefore I will own Beads :joy:

Folding space and time

The worst part is the debt, consumption and the distraction from what you already have that you can certainly use in new ways if you put in the energy.

For nuance’s sake, sometimes acquiring one or more new things can keep you at bay from a deeper understanding of what you already own.


Firmware update!

Squashes bugs and adds some goodies (BP filter in delay line :heart_eyes_cat:)


Nice change to the reverb amount knob behaviour.

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I liked the previous behavior more tbh. I liked that you could modulate it so the reverb would just come out of nowhere; very dynamic. I know this behaves more like how a reverb should…

I’ll figure out a patch around it.

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Yeah, I was just thinking about it. Like a lot of stuff in modular it’s not objectively better, necessarily, it’s different. I guess it’s more what I would expect but I’m not that experienced with modular and I can definitely see how people could use the old behaviour creatively.

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I guess it is anybody’s guess as to when the new units will be ready? got one on pre-order in early May, when expectations where late may for delivery to UK resellers.

Has anybody heard anything? :thinking:

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I pre-ordered early April and the expected May delivery has been changed to “summer 2021” at ctrl-mod

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Same April order, june->july->now August estimate :frowning:

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There was one in the UK for sale here recently. Maybe it’s still available? Edit: ah, it sold, sorry.

The price these are going for on ebay!!? £400.

If anyone wants to offer me £400 for mine I’ll take their arm off.

Get a clouds clone. Clouds is better in every way apart from audio rate and sample length.

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I must say as a total Clouds devotee, try as I might, I’ve not heard anything that I can remember making me think I need Beads. Even without Clouds.
I’d rather get another Clouds…