Mutable Instruments Beads

Yeah, for a one-brand system, mutable is an excellent choice imo. No sampler, but apart from that…


Someone asked people on the board over at Lines what a Mutable Shared System system would be and Emilie herself posted this



This is something I want in my life tbh

No room there for Blades tho :frowning:

Or Tides

buys a 6U 104 case

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Can anyone elaborate on the differences between the borderlands ipad app and beads? They seem similar at first sight.

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No Blades though…
:see_no_evil:update, missed post from @mattleaf

In Borderlands you can have as many files and as many grain clouds as DSP allows (a lot). On Beads at most a buffer of 20something seconds. I think Borderlands can do everything else with the grains Beads can, I’m sure more. With Beads you can “automate” it with CV; Borderlands can record your gestures (no MIDI… yet). Borderlands does not have “tape” emulation, which on Beads sounds absolutely amazing. No reverb in Borderlands.

Edit: Oh Borderlands can’t track pitch signals which Beads does.

Probably other things between them I’m forgetting.

It mostly comes down to two vastly different interaction experiences. I think Borderlands is great but don’t love touchscreen. Beads plays like an instrument.

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Yes, for starting hybrid is nice. Steep with the expense of the interface but then it reduces a lot of fail money.

Looks nice except the panel gfx have different shades for the main backgrounds.

I’d need them all identical irl

say i had something like this, what do i lose by not having Links in the mix?

(i know these are probably not logically placed, or whatever its called)

could i potentially lose the Ripples since I have the Blades, and run with Kinks/Links/Ears?


Thoroughly enjoyed digging into what Beads can do today…

I made a couple of quick demos of my initial Beads explorations. The first is is Beads processing my Fender Jazzmaster, followed by a pattern played on a Mannequins Mangrove (manipulation of frozen buffer) - found sound rhythm played on the Takt script on Norns, then processed by Qu Bit’s Data Bender:

Second is a couple of takes of melodies using Mangrove , being folded through an Instruo tanh3. the second take is additionally processed through a Strymon Magneto.


Nice. I dig this thanks for sharing. I practically use my modular as pedal board at times and look forward to patching my Rickenbacker through beads soon.

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You’ll definitely want more modulation sources. Also mults (although you can go on amazon and grab external 1 to 5 mults for cheap). I really like Ripples, and the sounds that could be made by combining it and Blades seems almost to tempting to forego. Therefore there is but one option, get a bigger case.


Anything that has a CV control input can be controlled by a knob instead.

Most attenuator modules output DC when nothing is plugged in. So you plug the output of the Attenuator/Mixer into the CV input and then you have a knob controlling that parameter.


One could even refer to them as macro controls for the patch and mult them all over the place.

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Yep! :+1:t2:

There’s always a way in modular!

This is also what leads to so many module purchases. An idea that requires just a few more modules.

To keep more on topic though. I’ll definitely be getting Beads at some point in the near future.

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Reminds me that I still need to build my Ripples. Also with the news of the end of MI I’ll probably be filling out the collection more (even though I know it will live on through DIY for years to come).

Might have to buy some original MI stuff though, like beads at least.

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9:10 and on sounds like Barton Krell/Forbidden Planet. And that’s with nothing patched in! Seems like an entire modular in 14hp. And the beat repeater was unexpected.

Just dreaming here, but if it had headers on the back for outputting the attenurandomizers to other modules, that’d be pretty cool.

This is a perfect reflection of my need for vca’s lol.

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Thanks for sharing this!

I’m pondered creating an all-Mutable system in miRack. The above system will make the process even faster, because i can just drag and drop all the modules into place while looking at the picture, instead of looking up every individual module to determine the functionality.


Looks like Emilie suggested Ripples in place of Blades, and maybe Stages + Marbles in pace of Tides for modulation sources.

This is where VCVRack/miRack comes in handy. Patch together Emilie’s suggested system in the app, then replace the modules you didn’t want with the ones you wanted. Then play with the virtual modular to get an idea of whether it’s what you want, before investing in the real thing.

Oh yeah, and probably cancel the order for that case until you’re finished discovering your ideal modular configuration in VCVRack/miRack.