Nava Extra 9

Surprised to not see much talk of this on here so thought I’d start a new topic while I wait for mine to be built.

Really tasteful set of mods IMO - I’ve used TR909/TR09 extensively, so very much looking forward to receiving mine as it has a much wider sonic palette

Does anyone have on here? Would love to hear some audio if so!


damn it kills


I wish I could afford one of those!

But I’ll settle for the RD9


Been looking for someone who can build me one but had no luck so far, I’ve found one guy on elicktronics website but he is fully booked until May 2020…

One sick drummachine and I need one in my life.

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I can put you in touch with a builder in the UK if that helps? He has full kits in stock and has built many already.

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is this the guy that has them listed on Reverb? he’s selling a $2200 drum machine that doesn’t exist yet, with zero feedback… :thinking:

Completely missed this. Are kits still available somewhere? I’d enjoy building this.

Not sure who you mean, but the person I was going to suggest is who made the above video.
I haven’t seen the Reverb auction or know anything about it. But the kit has been available since early last year, and there are quite a few out there in the wild.

E-licktronic are selling the last run of NAVA kits ATM, with final extra 9 kit to follow.

No way to pre-order extra-9 kits yet, right? Should I keep an eye on in the meantime?

I got in line two weeks ago for a Extra9 kit, I think it’s the last run and will probably be ready in a about two months time he said.

That said if there are no more kits you can gladly have mine since my soldering skills are zero, I tried a Dreadbox kit once and all I managed to solder were the holes on the pcb :grimacing::flushed:

How and/or where? I’m sure I’m overlooking something, but I can’t find where to sign up for one.

There’s some SMD soldering involved; I highly recommend practicing that first before you dive in! :slight_smile:

That’s weird you posted about this, I was literally just looking at one of these the other day and marvelling at how bad ass it was. To get a built example in the UK, it appears to be £1,500+, which is pretty steep. I’ll need to pass for now, but the Yocto v2 (808 clone) also looks great, for much less - granted, it’s not on the same level as the Extra 9.

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The link you posted earlier, the 2nd post there by Wellental. Just click next at the bottom and you’re at the right place.


I have one of these and it absolutely DOES slay and totally worth the money. And yes I had mine built from Kieran Gibbs in the UK. Communication was great and I paid him once the unit was built and it was ready to be shipped.

The best part about these units is using the low tom and the high tom as basslines, and also the filter cutoff on the high hats is pretty amazing too.

Very diverse amount of sounds you can make on these and a load of fun to play.


Are these still for sale? I have a NAVA 9 kit on the way, but looking to build an extra as well. Do you know about the noise mod? Any idea where I can find that? Thanks.

Sorry mate, I opted out in the end when I realized my soldering skills are none :grimacing: :crazy_face:

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Looking for Nava 9 extra case if anyone has one spare or not being used. Can be Erica Synth or other - thanks…

Erika Synths has them online. Check out this sweet black case


Guys, just a courtesy message to say that a fantastic human over on the Elicktronic site has been working on the Nava firmware, as Elicktronic released the code due to them stopping work.

Some amazing new additions:

  • Change bank and pattern via MIDI note
  • Instant pattern change like AR/A4 which allows you to jump between patterns on the fly rather than having to wait until the end of the bar
  • Sync mode is now saved after a power cycle, rather than having to set it to SLV each time
  • Solo mode when holding shift in mute mode
  • Clear whole tracks immediately rather than having to hold clear down while the sequencer plays

Still being worked on too :slight_smile: