New Elektron announcement at Musikmesse (2014, Overbridge announcement)

“AK, then AR, and still more?”


  • “We have an exciting announcement to make…”

Stay tuned for Musikmesse!

OS updates??

damn, these dudes on fire!

It’s clean, free energy for everyone, I know it. :slight_smile:


We’re being bought out by Gibson!

Octa MkII and new OS for octa mkI would be realy nice!

…which is why octa i is hard to get…

I imagine its the release of the full specs and pre ordering opening for the Analog Rytm no?

where is this rumor coming from please? any sources?

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thanks snowcrash

If it’s a new OCTA MK2, I am going to be PISSSSSSSED!
(Just bought one used)
If it’s a new O.S I will be STOKED!!!
In reality though, with the complaints about the CF reader, an MK2 with say 16-32GB of internal storage would be called for.

MD/MONOMACHINE MK3 would be cool.

my guess is…

a 16 track MIDI/DIN/CV sequencer/mixer/efx/compressor


So before everybody goes 60+pages deep of guesses/wishes/dreams etc… I refer back to this thread :

It’s already been thought of.


I’m getting off this train.

If they made 16 track sequencer with at leafs 2 midi outputs and the OT sequencer but with track lengths of up to 32 bars per track I’d sell my OT.