New Elektron announcement at Musikmesse (2014, Overbridge announcement)

okay… assuming it means some sort of product.

i doubt it’s another hardware thing… they’ve been churning out hardware like crazy.

so maybe a bigger software update… but it’s unlikely for mnm / md. octa major update? possibly.

but, more likely is that it’s a replacement for c6. the AR will need some way to shove samples into it, and c6 has been notoriously crappy for that…

Musikmesse starts

Marc 12th at 9 am. European Time. that date it is only open for business folks and probably SonicState who is having sausages with Cockoo ( I imagine)

guess we all have to wait … my newly ordered mnm mkii is bound to arrive before march 10th … i hope it is n o t a mnm mkiii


i’m glad that i am at musikmesse at tuesday 9am til saturday :slight_smile:

oh no, not this again, the last one was a nightmare

I suppose since it’s next week it won’t be too terrible.

Some people still haven’t gotten their hands on the AK and the AR isn’t out for anyone yet…would be quite crazy if it were another piece of hardware.

…get the other stuff taken care of first :slight_smile:

If I recall correctly there would be three new devices. Since then we received the A4, the AK and pretty soon the AR. I don’t think there will be another device soon, so my guess it’s a firmware update or something completely different like an organizational change?

But that’s just guessing, I really don’t know.

I hope the news is that they have finally gotten a huge order of AKs in and they will be available to the masses ASAP.

…where is my ak?

Some nice shoes to add to their clothing line!!

If they are the same quality of the hoodie / shirts … I will buy. The hoodie is top notch.

Good guess here I think.

I thought the swedes would get out of their houses when spring breaks in and stop working…

It reads to me as though it’s hardware rather than software. “AK, then AR, and still more?” just has a physical slant to it. Of course, lots of reading between the lines!

An OS update to the OT would be welcome but in terms of hardware potential I think that the MNM is in more need of a hardware upgrade/remodel.

I got told my bonus today. My other half said it’s my money and I can spend it on what I like. I then got the email from Elektron. My GAS is in overdrive right now for anything!..

Wouldn’t be much of an announcement though really? Unless its a suite of goodies (organise/edit/store) type affair?

Unless your thinking Something to aid sample transfer between hardware?! :slight_smile:

She “said” that but… :smiley:

Good guess here I think.
Wouldn’t be much of an announcement though really? Unless its a suite of goodies (organise/edit/store) type affair?

Unless your thinking Something to aid sample transfer between hardware?! :)[/quote]
this would be awesome. would be super handy to be able to ditch the computer for sample transfer.

I don’t think they’re going to announce a new piece of hardware just yet but who knows crazier things have happened.


She “said” that but… :D[/quote]
I hear you! :joy: Last year I had to “repay” her with not one but two Michael Kors handbags thanks to my music gear splurge…

Maybe its the A4 tutorial videos at last. Hahahahaaa.

(Actually, come to think of it, IF there was some piece of gear/OS that was in those videos it would explain the delay).

If the sample memory is recognized as a drive over USB by any computer connected to it I’d imagine that something as simple as drag and drop from computer to device and back again would be sufficient enough, idiot proof and wouldn’t need the actual unit to be tied to an app that needs updating all the time.


I have devided to also add something to this thread … taken out of the blue …

it will be …

… dramatic pause everybody …

a microphone.

That would definitely blow a lot of minds.