New Elektron announcement at Musikmesse (2014, Overbridge announcement)

Step-sequencer microphone? Damn.

No way is it another piece of hardware (one can but dream, though) - hoping for some serious OS updates for the other four machines! That would be very, very nice. Possibly something tasty for the Machinedrum, to make people want to keep on to that despite the AR. :slight_smile:

Maybe a A4 mkII with the same tech specs as the AK?

Or something else like a vocoder??? the Analog Spektral
Imagin this with Elektron sequencing

With parameter locks?

Would be nice for scat singing.

holy shmokes!

what a toy! … what would jesus do, I mean, what would DataLine say? … he would yawn, and turn some knobs …:wink:
plockable, microphone, midi processing, with a vocoder and a smart reflux anti sorbation unit it will be. …

She “said” that but… :D[/quote]
I hear you! :joy: Last year I had to “repay” her with not one but two Michael Kors handbags thanks to my music gear splurge…[/quote]
Kors design rytm case?

It’s a rack version of the Analog Keys, minus the individual outs and the joystick. Same form factor as the octatrack.

An A4 With 4 inputs but no outputs at all. Headphones is also an input.

All in sweet stereo.

Rather than speculate, I’m just going to indulge in some wishful thinking.

I really want a dedicated, polished and thoroughly modern sequencer. Something akin to the Cirklon, but… y’know readily available :slight_smile:

Digital Waves on the A4 … i think that will be the new enhancement

I finally watched Dataline’s BSII video today, and couldn’t figure out how he was sequencing it from the A4, since the BSII has no CV, and he has been conspicuously quiet about answering that question. So, maybe the A4/AK/AR will be able to do midi sequencing in a future update, and that is what they are refering to in the newsletter?

If I am not mistaken, I think the new Bass Station has it’s own sequencer. So just needs midi clock in for sync

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holy shmokes!

what a toy! … what would jesus do, I mean, what would DataLine say? … he would yawn, and turn some knobs …:wink:
plockable, microphone, midi processing, with a vocoder and a smart reflux anti sorbation unit it will be. …
Buchla Model 296e - Spectral Processor

Only $4599

presumably that’s before sales tax is added

that setup he’s using costs more than my whole life

Bass Station’s audio is processed by the Elektron machines while receiving midi clock and sequence.

You are probably correct, although the wording makes it sound like the sequencing was from the A4.

maybe he’s kinda sequencing the external inputs on the A4 FX track using trig mutes and stuff. sounds great anyways. wouldn’t mind one of those new bass stations meself. used to have one of the original models. they’re bloody great


What’s wrong with c6? It seems perfectly fine at loading samples into the machinedrum, sure it’s slow but I’ve never had any problems with it.

I’m suffering hype fatigue, hope it is just a maintenance OS update and an AK dust cover.

:+1: [/quote]

:+1: [/quote]
:-1: [/quote]
Possibly more fun and better looking than my life too tho… :slight_smile:

Back onto speculation how about a CV/MIDI converter hub with extras. Midi woes solved and doesn’t spoil there design ethic.