New Elektron announcement at Musikmesse (2014, Overbridge announcement)

It’s the BLACK MD & BLACK Mono
For the colour concious

Another new instrument would be crazy since the AK is not really available and the AR is not even completely finished. I think some major OS are more likely to happen. The only hardware upgrade which would make sense are mkIII models of MM and MD. Pretty sure same chassis, buttons etc. for all devices could save them some money and ensure future sells of their “old” machines.

Although new stuff is always exciting I hope it´s not a new box - I prefer do see them finishing the available/announced stuff first. For me the biggest plus of elektron was always customer support and regularly, free updates. I fear with too much stuff to take care of the support could suffer. Really hope they´re not going the route of NI who are putting out new boxes and upgrades every weekend

my guess it’s something we never have seen before :heart:

I still like my elektron robot toy idea…

Following the current analog trend, maybe a super duper analog effects box?

What else can be analog?

Maybe, some of the folks at HQ are returning to their dolphin form and heading back to sea.

A board-upgrade for the OT

Haha, no doubt this! :smiley:

Haha, no doubt this! :smiley: [/quote]

would buy a battery pack with solar charger

turning out another hardware right now would be a HORRIBLE business move.
they have 2 BRAND NEW PRODUCTS that are not really shipping regularly yet.
one is NEW (ar)
one is MODIFIED previous product (ak)
IF an mkii of the ot is coming, i would imagine we would see a software update to the mki first to work out kinks…
in otherwords software that furthers the creation of next gen hardware.

new hardware apart from a c6 replacement will make me want to keep my distance from elektron equipment, as the pace is frightening.

this would be sweet. and would put it in line w/ the op-1 for portable. REALLY interesting idea.

An analog mono with no sequencer. Just cv I/O and midi in? In a Sid station like housing?

I’d love a midi sequencer based on the OT but with multiple midi outs. I’d snap that up in a second

Did anyone ever stop and think maybe they are announcing the ship date of the AR? :slight_smile:

All we have heard until now is they hope Q1.

over at muffwiggler someone said they were told it would be “something no one has ever done before” when elektron was at the analogue haven instore meet a while back… but who knows…?

H/W granular synth doesn’t exist

New Octatrack DSP-2 with aux/send option and a new machine the resynthesizer? Daniel Troberg owns a Acxel resynthesizer!

^ That’s ace…

Isn’t the Gotarman Deformer a sort of granular synth? Or is it just granular with samples?