New Elektron announcement at Musikmesse (2014, Overbridge announcement)

A MnM mkiii with analog filter bank from A4 in a nice black box form-factor with +Drive standard and a newly added synth on it called “Granular Gravel”…with all the effects from the A4 on steroids.

The Virus Ti2 has Granular Synthesis available.

I hope they introduce one-Shot triggers to the MD.
Something noone ever did :slight_smile:

MkIII versions of the Machinedrum & Monomachine would be cool, more in line with current production models.

I’d also like to see sequencer-less models of the MnM/MD that would work nicely with the Octatrack for the additional sound without the fuss of another sequencer to sync. An 8 part multitimbral synth with machines from the MnM and MD would pair nicely with my Octatrack’s 8 part MIDI sequencer.

But since they didn’t make noise about it being a new machine, I’m guessing either firmware updates or some kind of corporate change. (maybe new distribution channels or some kind of partnership with another company.)

Hopefully they’re going to release something that replaces C6 …finally.

I can almost guarantee it won’t be a mkii of anything. My bet. Is major os upgrades - I mean to pull the +drive out if the hat was a spectacular

The OT - hardware wise there’s nothing they could add (apart from the initial 8 outs that should have been there from the very beginning.)
It has has a huge drive already and the way ot deals with samples is about the opposite of having gbs of samples - use few samples in the most creative ways.

I think it will be OT based but a nice os update.

hopefully they add chromatic note input for the md. that would breath more life into the md.

actually the pair-of-shoes thing seems likeliest

this is what i was thinking.

if it’s hardware, it has to be something easy that didn’t pull developer resources from AK, AR and os updates.

a sequencer based on OT with midi and CV outs. and at the un-elektron price of less than US$600. makes sense with all the sub-$1,000 analog monosynths flooding the market.

maybe another Out-Of-Sweden office?

The other day I was reading through old threads on Elektron-Users and found the one where TurboMidi was announced but no-one had any idea what it was or what it was going to do.

It was hilarious reading all the things people imagined it would be - from an analog sequencer, to something with a joystick for the MNM, to the solution for world peace. Then the reveal came - it was silver box with one button. lol.

I’m hoping its an OT 8 channel i/o box that connects via USB along with a hefty OS update that provides Midi CC to scenes and (in an ideal world) ditches the ‘press stop 3 times to go back to the start of arrangement’ feature which is currently my least favourite thing ever :wink:

About 24 hours left to reveal this and I can not see a correct guess in this thread.

Some people will fall off their chair or just giggle in madness :alien:

Damn! I need to get a proper well paid job pretty soon …

software editors for the Analogue series (and even maybe for the OT)?

How about a MIDI/CV addon for the A4, with 2x6 extra analog outs?
Plug it into the USB port and you can use all 6 tracks for MIDI/CV.
I doubt anyone will fall off their chair for that though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Maybe nobody will :dizzy_face:

My random guess:

Some kind of a hub-thing, with enough inputs for the whole line (16 inputs or something like that). lots of World-class FX from a third party (Strymon?), midi and CV sequencer, an analog compressor on the master outputs.

At least in my wet dreams!

Yeeeeahhhaaaaaa !!!

I’m so excited! :slight_smile:


A workstation. Full keyboard with onboard sequencer. Includes a synth, sampler and drum machine. Individual outs 8-16. It does it all.