New Elektron announcement at Musikmesse (2014, Overbridge announcement)

About 24 hours left to reveal this and I can not see a correct guess in this thread.

Damn I thought showdown was today

Yeah, I was thinking maybe some kind of add-on units to enhance the performance of each/most electron products.

A midi-out sequencer unit,
an output expander unit, 
a granular synth unit,
a keyboard/joystick/xy pad unit

All connected by usb. Pick and mix how you want to expand your set up.

How about a MIDI/CV addon for the A4, with 2x6 extra analog outs?
Plug it into the USB port and you can use all 6 tracks for MIDI/CV.
I doubt anyone will fall off their chair for that though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: [/quote]
I fall off my chair all the time. Seriously tho would love a utility box like that (same size as other boxes with loads of extras) :slight_smile:

An iPad app.

I think it should be obvious by now that Elektron will start making kitchens.


Maybe nobody will :dizzy_face:[/quote]
Well then they’ll giggle in madness!

I will buy that addon CV box, if that’s what you’re planning :+1:

There’s only one thing it can be, if all the speculation in this thread is confirmed to be wrong:

  • Full analogue signal path
  • Fart noise has an individual out
  • Portable
  • Competitive pricetag
  • No more need for stinkin’ firmware updates

At Musikmesse, the Elektron crew will run down the alleys handing out free Volcas, Wolf and Airas themed Swedish chocolates to everyone.

Then Dataline will demo the Pentanity and will eventually end up in jail for noise nuisance. Instagrams will be taken and copiously shared with all the social networks.

Finally they will announce a 149USD mono synth which is one voice of the A4 with some “selected” ROM samples from the Machinedrum engine (also released as a Loopmaster pack), on-board sequencer and you get a free dark hoodie with it. Commenters on Synthopia will go crazy ranting that this is not a modular synth and that they are fed up with this analog revival trend.

Such is life for magical music instruments makers.

Elektron baseball caps?

Something that focuses on performance control of other machines? A knobby slidery touchpad thing that emits CV/gate and MIDI?

My guess is the rest of the OS for rytm. They’re doing something with the scene and performance modes that noone has ever done before.

Why can’t we know today?

AKAI let his cats out of the bag yesterday.

Yes we want cats out of the bags…now!

Yes, here in Australia, your tomorrow is my today, and that was yesterday, so now I’m waiting 24 hours longer than I should for yesterday’s announcement today…my cats not happy in this bag!

As seen in the horribly ak demo from Namm… The a4/ak already have this function.

all OSes & DSP algos will be opensauced on github

is the one thing which would make me both drop from the chair and giggle madly

chance of it happening: 0, lol

…i’ve got mixed feelings about this… i won’t be much surprised if they came out with another machine :thinking: … with the amount of experties Elektron has, it wouldn’t take much to them to piece something together which could then become another great piece of hardware… on the other hand, commercially speaking, it would be weird because there’s already the AK and the AR coming soon.
there’re some missing bits from the Elektron menu though so Elektron, please don’t blow my wee boxes away :smiley:

Elektron has restarted production of SID chips and they’re releasing SIDStation 2 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

this would be nice but i doubt Elektron would allow anyone to tap in their firmwares and change things around…having said that, i’ll probably spend more sleepless nights coding new things :alien:

^ yeah… defo not gonna happen :joy:

ah yes, maybe more sidstations!