New Elektron announcement at Musikmesse (2014, Overbridge announcement)

Something nobody has done before that potentially will have us falling off chairs or giggling madly.

New Elektron sales strategy …BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE!!!

Elektron will be giving away synths for free during Musikmesse (until products last obviously :slight_smile: )

new machine has knobs at the bottom and a blank surface on top

^ :astonished: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :alien: (this should be looked at as just one single expression)

… …

Nobody mentioned Eurorack modules in this thread so far. Maybe one Analog Rytm voice (synth + sample) in a module with CV inputs?

oh this would make much sense… oh god…

elektron must have pretty cool prototypes in their lab… modules would probably be a nice & economic way to release some of the crazy stuff that’s been experimented with but doesn’t really suit a groovebox…

This is the big question. If the new thing is hardware, is it time for Elektron to do something other than a groovebox (or groovebox with keys)?

SID-STATION reissue :slight_smile:

If it’s more new hardware, I wonder if Elektron is not spreading themselves too thin? Already, it’s been a while since the last OT OS update, and even without any MD/MnM updates, the new boxes will require attention as well. Anyway, we’ll see what it is soon enough…

considering that the current entry fee for elektron fun is north of 1000$, i think it would definitely work out if they released some affordable yet high-quality simpler product which would obviously be best friends with the existing sequencers…

This is the big question. If the new thing is hardware, is it time for Elektron to do something other than a groovebox (or groovebox with keys)?[/quote]
yep, i agree with both. i would really like to have a look inside their ‘development hangar’ … for me it would be a bit like being a kid again but with lots lots more legos :smiley:

This possibility crossed my mind after the A4 appeared, and it would still make logical sense. While we were all speculating about what lay behind the frosted glass, I wondered if it was a set of modules that could expand the A4 into a larger system, all controlled with its CV sequencer.

It seems like new modules are appearing all the time from many companies, some of which are relatively new to the market. Maybe HQ has decided it’s time to throw its hat in this ring as well.

anyone else hoping for a bad ass FM synth? im the only one i think

Not the only one! I am constantly tempted with purchasing a Fs1R that I stupidly sold for a pram 5 years ago. I usually calm myself down and prevent the purchase but modern FM synth would probably crumble my resolve.

I don’t think we’ll see a music “creating” piece of hardware. I’d love a powerful granular/FM synth sort of thing but I fancy some sort of iPad app/software editor being likely. Or perhaps something like Spark/Machine. Imagine something like an OT that requires a PC feed. I know to some that would sound stupid but it would deliver a cheaper OT experience albeit tied to a computer and integrated straight into your DAW.

Eurorack something or an effects box or some kind of Central command station - midi,cv, Osc, hopefully some new protocol that’s way faster than turbo midi
Or an editor
Or an ot update
Or all of the above

I’m going to sleep on it and have a guess tomorrow! :slight_smile:

Hoping for an OT update. Or an effect of some sort.

They are going to reveal the REAL season finale to True Detective.