New Elektron announcement at Musikmesse (2014, Overbridge announcement)


Well, I was contemplating OT or AR for my first Elektron and I went with OT, which I’m super happy with but seeing this makes me wonder two or three things. 1. Why not OT? 2. How has this not been done before? 3. Does this mean that Elektron is also moving the way of Daws and computer integration gear?

I don’t really use computers and do not want to so I kinda could care less it’s not for the OT but it just makes me wonder if the OT is on it’s way out or at least not going to get another update?

For me, this is very interesting.

I’m currently having to track each A4 voice separately into Cubase / Ableton on some projects.

as I don’t use a computer with my home studio & am used only to firewire equipped interfaces really ( Pro Tools ) I do have a probably really daft question re. this streaming via USB thing : if you connect several units like this at once ( so, for the sake of argument an A4, RYTM & an Aira product ) surely you can’t track them live all at once, can you ? Won’t your DAW & associated audio software only let you assign one USB as the audio i/o at once , if that makes sense ?
Like I say, I don’t use a computer, but I’m interested to know how this practically advantages you - if it means you don’t have to use a separate audio interface to track all these USB audio equipped units simultaneously I can see how folks will find that useful.

Okay, my imac returned from the cellar ^^

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“part of a free OS upgrade”! Wow, if the case then that is fantastic. I was positive we’d be shelling out for this one.

You can assign as much usb’s as you have on your pc.
Currently I have VIRUST TI2 , split into at most 8 channels , maschine split into 16 channels , have A4 and plan to get the AR will be tottally awesome to work with all this channels splited in the DAW.
The daw sees all the connected devices as a vst plugin. that’s all , it have no clue was it connected through usb or something else

The OT I think is there biggest seller and still has a lot of work in the os and of all the line could do with an editor for sample management - it will come from somewhere I just thought elektron would incorporate the OT as well.
The OT is entirely different from anything else out there and is essentially an empty vessel to which an op evolving os has to be part of that

But as an a4 user (well I’ve only had both machines a couple of weeks) incan see this being really great in so many way.

Now I’m gassing for a rytm

A free update and bi directional audio? Well, no one can complain about that! I’m sorry, I was to fast with my complaints. This is a huge bonus for the more studio oriented elektron lovers. Well done Elektron!

Time for you to stop living ye olde worlde dayz.

A4 users finally got their 4 separate outs, but just via USB. Anyway come on Elektron some new OS updates are due to us now.

Oh boy!
Have I won anything? A beta version of the software?
Good news! Now I’m considering to save for the AR…

Scene features on the Rytm are just amazing!!!

Wow, I have to admit Im a bit pissed off of not seing there the Octatrack as one of the featured devices to use this bridge. But adding this functionallity doesn´t hurt anyone… you still able to do everything stand-alone.

Im a very happy user of a Virus TI, and this is a very good feature to have. First if you dont have good AD-DA converters, the USB option is quite clean…

Editing in a big screen is very helpfull, totall recall makes very tidy to create complex arrangements and sounds… so why not, is the best of two worlds… The bad approach is when manufacturers take for granted that all you need is a laptop, and leave behind many of us who prefer to go to stage without it…

Well done elektron… Now we want to see that Huge update for the Octatrack!! :sob:

Now I have some flow question, tell me if you think it is going to be possible.
It seems that it will be possible to send midi through usb to A4 and than synch other machines like MD and MNM to A4? This can solve a lot of problems in my set-up.

You have got to love Elektron. iMO the best company who really listens to their customers and keep bringing out new stuff all the time and still keep quality at a high level. A lot of companies can learn from them!

Time for you to stop living ye olde worlde dayz.


What for? I make music for my own pleasure, why would I do it in a way I find slow, tedious and annoying?

It would be different were I a professional, who’d have to think in terms of profit. I’d probably make some generic electrohouse from premade loops, like SHM, to make some easy bucks. But since I’m not a pro I can do what I want, the way I want.

Sorry for the off-topic!

Technically a standalone USB-host sidekick mini mixer box should now be possible with 4 mono outs on it, fx send loops, and extra controller knobs & buttons … if elektron made the drivers available!

Me too!
I guess the good thing is you can throw all of your hard analog work into the OT and not have to carry all of your machines to gigs…nice! Win-Win but let’s fix that OS.

cheers for the clear response DiGi-TaL :+1:

that notwithstanding, I’ll still be boshing my stuff down to my handheld recorder at 24/96, straight to stereo from my analogue mixer, olde worlde style.
Live jams FTW :wink: