New Elektron announcement at Musikmesse (2014, Overbridge announcement)

What excites me the most is the possibilité to sequence patterns easly from the DAW inside the VST. I hope it will be possible! :slight_smile:

I’m most excited to hear that shipping of the AK is about to stabalize.

Also, for the first time, the AR is starting to interest me.

Same here, I’m so anxious to order an AK already…

Okay, I just realized what I had said but …TBH, my thinking of an app idea actually was all about the OT and little to do with integrating the Analog series (alone).

However, after the announcement I have to say again that as a primary OT user, a sometime Analog Four user, and future Analog Rytm user…I welcome this integration and really don’t know how any Analog series & OT users can refuse this. The great thing about this is that you will get the hands-on integration and editing that is needed to make the whole arrangement prepped to run completely in the OT. You can bring those other machines and your laptop but why bother…OT, even with the others, can still be the stable and centralized hub to run your set.

MD & MM users might feel left out but hey…keep on jamming the way you can.

No one can really be all mad at OT not being in OB… If they (Elektron)can, they will continue to fix/add some of the doable OT suggestions made here because interest in OT improvement was apparent all over here.

If you bought (or are waiting for) the AK, that A4 really won’t look too shabby…portability is key and and the same amount of usability through OB within your favorite DAW gives you visions of ways to do more in OB…(chord MIDI from Live’s Push, samples-to-midi fixed to work in A4, AK, AR…into your OT as samples.


Bravo Elektron!!!

In a world filled with disposable products you guys rock.

AIRA’s price is good but it has nothing professional attached to it.

well apart from the multitrack streaming to DAW via USB a bit like what Elektron have just announced here. And the fact that the TR-8 seems to offer note-perfect emulation of not just sound but also the feel & groove of their classic beatboxes used on thousands of ‘professionally’ produced tracks over the last 30-odd years… :wink:

just sayin’, in the interests of balance & all that. ( I’ve no axe to grind one way or t’other btw ).

Now - give us these proper RYTM demos please Elektron that are going to sell me one, rather than a competitors product. Meat & potato drums & perc for contemporary techno,acid, house,EDM type productions please.
Enough with your ring-modulator kick, et al - give us the real deal. You know what I mean. :wink:

in the future I could probably use many setups then
for recording live stuff and even with the advantage that each track is recorded separate in logic and could be routed anywhere etc…

will it be possible to use the a4 overbridge as a sound card in only?
so I could use a second soundcard for routing the a4 tracks from logic into a ext mixer routing it back into say the C/D input on the OT? :stuck_out_tongue:

will the inputs and fx track on the a4 get overbridge support?
or could they be sent to the main outputs to have a extra output just for the fx and input track while in overbridge?

will there be track routing options for the a4 main outputs
(tr1 -4, fx or input) choosing just one for the main outs

will it be possible in the future to hook up the overbridge straight on to any or some usb mixer sending each track to independent channels
having real time mixer +ext eq control over the A4 and rytm tracks
I think this would be super awesome

just dreaming:
with 3 usb in for rytm and a4 and usb out (for ext rec of tracks)
having a 6 or 16 channel mixer ( extra audio ins for md and mnm )and fx in out (all mixerpossbillities)etc…
and with possible settings for choosing input usb 1 usb 2 or both at the same time
linking audio tracks from both units to channels routed by mixer A (usb1)or mixer B(usb2) and have them run independent settings for each track
or even have banks for saving mixer eq settings for different sets
you would have a super elektron end mindcontrol mixer ll stop now it it a view songs pop into mind under the bridge? bridge over troubled water or

hmmm… this puts my decision between getting A4 or Mono back into debate mode… leaning heavily towards A4 this time

ive been wanting to move away from having PC as master sequencer, but then again Bitwig is coming soon… maybe that will make it worth it

decisions, decisions

im wondering what kind of latency this USB multi-track mode will have… thats the key… generally USB isnt the best interface for audio in my experience

Hehe of course thats why Elektron announced the Overbridge now, to get the only thing AIRA got in advantage out of the way! :joy:

This is a great move for the company, though, and I’m happy for users who will find this integration useful. Especially if this also allows computer control over CV, this is bound to bring in lots of new users and revenue.

Just don’t forget your all-digital machines - they are great too! It’s been almost a year since the OT has seen a maintenance OS update - some bug fixes and enhanced MIDI control would be much appreciated.

With the Overbridge feature I don’t have to buy an extra soundcard with lots of input channels to record it. This is just fantastic!

Id be interested in if overbridge would as well as being an editor/librarian & daw integration tool would also allow patch randomisation & morphing. That would be really cool.

see here: Elektron CTL Framework Open-Sauce

it can do that.

it is the basis for this:





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I was just last week wondering why Daren’s output mod had gone quiet.

A4 has just been jacked up. I love it.

This deserves a slew of emoticons.



Honestly i am very much concerned about the audio quality via overbridge…
And how will a DAW handle a soundcard + overbridge at the same time, on stage. I must admit i am very pessimistic.

they probably wouldn’t do this if audio quality was sub par…

And hopefully, unlike Virus Ti, it would be built around a modern USB spec better than 1.1.

I miss :beer:

Kool Aid man, too. :frowning:

OK this is definitely driving my Analog Keys GAS through the roof.

My live setup could go from this:

Tempest > Octatrack > Soundcard
Laptop > Soundcard > Octatrack > Soundcard
Octatrack > Soundcard > Laptop
Ultranova > Soundcard > Laptop > Octatrack > Soundcard

to this:

Laptop > AK > Octatrack
AK > Octatrack
Octatrack A/B

And I could add a VST or two to replace the Ultranova, and the AK would pick up the slack from the Tempest which is mostly used for synth sounds anyway.


I suspect Overbridge is going to be a little bit of a pain in the tits on PC. Windows is complete arse when it comes to multiple audio devices so for my set up it will most likely mean fannying around with ASIO4ALL.

Still, it’s got me thinking about potential. Using Push to enter step sequencer and, potentially, parameter locks for the A4 and effectively keeping “patterns” within Live’s clips is much more natural to me.

Something like this will take a mountain of work though. I guess it’s one of my main concerns how Elektron can hope to continue updating the likes of the OT while also beasting into the coding for the analogue gear they are pushing hard. I know we’ll read lots of “we haven’t forgotten about you OT/MnM/MD owners” chat but talks cheap you know.