New Elektron announcement at Musikmesse (2014, Overbridge announcement)

If it’s anything like how audio over USB works on the Virus, you will only need to use your usual audio interface and not have to combine with ASIO4ALL.

This is a big ask for Elektron, Access spent years on the Virus TI before it was workable. Mine runs fine, but a lot of people still have major problems.

God only knows if my Virus and A4 will be able to work together, add my Push and Maschine into the equation and I can see some sleepless nights ahead. But if it all works together, I will be a very happy bunny, with a great set-up!

Big thanks to Elektron for yet another great freebee.

Moving from “boutique” to “big swinging dicks” with ease.


This is the reason why I’m such a huge fan of Elektron…by far and away some of the best hardware, customer support AND innovation that I’ve had the pleasure to use and enjoy…!!! Well done all at Elektron, awesome announcement!!

The only thing is though…Q4??? Maaaaaan its gonna kill us waiting…but then again, it will seem like a nice Christmas present!! :slight_smile:

The countdown to Christmas begins…!!


I was about to post the same thing. I’m very happy to see this coming to the A4 and it has definitely increased my interest in the AR too. Although I am not primarily computer based that’s partly out of necessity, if I can easily pull 6 channels into the computer from the A4 and do MIDI sequencing and FX loops you bet that I will doing that. And I still like mixing inside the OT…but being able to multitrack out of the OT would be super awesome.
Yes I said 6 channels. Cenk says in the Sonicstate video that it’s the main out 1+2, plus 4 individual mono tracks, so you can bring the effects in as stereo. Having it function as an audio interface is great.

As an economist (sorry, in the deepest of my thoughts I am exploring musical boundaries) I must admit this is sheer genious. Ever since I have bought a 4 × 1 mono analog sequencing machine, I have also received a beautifully sounding poly analog and probably a perfectly integrated vst instrument. All for the same price. Big bonus to the early adopters. As an MD (and underappreciated Nord drum) user, I probably don’t need an AR. But now I’m craving for one, cause I know it will be good. That’s confidence. Cudos to Elektron to have adopted such a fresh and forward looking business model. I’m hooked.

So that means that sounds that use autopanning, p-locked panning etc will need to go through the main out? I guess that’s a reasonable sacrifice.
Anyway, stoked to get more outputs for free! Nice work Elektron!

So that means that sounds that use autopanning, p-locked panning etc will need to go through the main out? I guess that’s a reasonable sacrifice.
Anyway, stoked to get more outputs for free! Nice work Elektron![/quote]
Or just pan them once in your DAW?

So that means that sounds that use autopanning, p-locked panning etc will need to go through the main out? I guess that’s a reasonable sacrifice.
Anyway, stoked to get more outputs for free! Nice work Elektron![/quote]
Or just pan them once in your DAW?[/quote]
That’s certainly possible, but I like to do it with locks :slight_smile:

yea it’s disappointing at first, effects and such just being on the mains, but of course it makes sense with the 4 channels just being mono. But on the other hand having the integration makes doing multiple recording takes into the DAW of each part going through the mains easier.

I for one am delighted by this announcement. I really hope the control of CV tracks is extended to my DAW. This could if implemented well totally do away with much of the need for an Expert Sleepers interface. I’ve been planning to sell my MOTU ultralite for a soundcard that has ADAT just so I could get an ES-3 plus gate expander. Hopefully I won’t have to now. I’m not expecting Overbridge to be anywhere near as comprehensive a CV solution as Silent Way, but still… not to mention the update will be free. Could potentially be awesome. Be nice to have a few more concrete details. Q4 seems so far away right now.