New Eventide H90 pedal

I can’t wait to hear this on synths more. All of the guitar stuff is fine, but…


Yeah - the H9 did not handle line level very well at all, it’s nice to see this ‘fixed’ in the H90. Since I’m a synth person, that is a compelling reason to upgrade!

Eventide effects are among the best. Pitch delays in to band delays etc, mind blowing sound canvas … especially with a nice analogue synth as the source material.


did you do anything in particular to address this with your H9?

Pulled the trigger. Who wants an H9 Max and Core? :sweat_smile:

The insert routing per-program is what really got me! Great flexibility and options there!

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Personally I’m hardly hearing anything I like on these Guitar demos.

In fact I’ve only heard a small section on the Emily Hopkins Harp video that I liked.

My wife said she’d get me a pedal for Christmas. She offered a very generous budget, and I’ve chosen the Meris LVX over this and the CXM 1978.

From a Techno/IDM perspective it sounds more suitable for my tastes.

But I’d happily hear some H90 demos that changed that perspective.

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Yeah I was also wondering - my H9 does well with line level, better than some other brands including Strymon I feel.

Same. The guitar demos are uninspired.

My interest in this pedal is due to my 10+ years of experience with Eventide starting with the PitchFactor then the H9s. Funny enough, I don’t know that I’ve ever ran synths though them, just my saxophones. For my money, nothing pitch-tracks as fast for harmonies and octave effects. The time-based stuff and other weirdness is just more icing on the cake.

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I’m more interested in the screen upgrade than the dual effects:) with the alarm clock display on my H9, its impossible to remember the effect in four characters. I need to go in and rename all my presets with simple things like BND1, BND2 for different band delays instead of Eventides fancy names.

Got me to deep dive into my H9 editor figuring at least I can group similar presets in the list next to each other… but that would be too easy wouldn’t it?

What a convoluted app. Editing lists is a nightmare of drag and dropping oversized preset tiles over multiple pages. You also can’t multiselect and move groups of them because of course you can’t.

I also lost dozens of edits because you set the size of your preset list independently and if you insert /add too many effects to the list at the front, it bumps the last ones off the list.

These companies really need to hire proper UX/UI designers:(

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It’s well summed up in this post:

It was fine when used with a single known synth the majority of the time (Juno 60 … drool) … but regularly changing up the signal path to use with drum machines, different synths, other effects, etc via patch bay usually meant adjusting the whole chain, otherwise nasty digital clipping.


thanks for this info

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Got mine, the three middle knobs, I don’t think they feel very good.

They feel kind of loose, cheap and not that responsive. Anyone else feel that way?

Amazing sounding device! Still trying to figure it out a little better…particularly the looper!

you go with Sweetwater?

This has made me want to dust off my H9 and see if I can make it do something I like.

Whenever I use it, I always end up wishing it was one of the Factor pedals instead, with all their knobs. The H90 look better in that regard, and the new poly pitch shifters look amazing. But perhaps not worth the €1,199 if you already have an H9.

Also, Eventide might think about forking the H9 Remote Max for Live device and updating it to work in Live 11. It seems perfect for the H90.

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I know it’s a lot more money, but how does this compare with Microcosm in terms of really warping sound?


I’m watching this pedal with interest as an old H9 user who liked what it did, but was frustrated by the UI and single instance.

On another forum, there was a useful comment re: the model for potential future algo releases by the head honcho, which I personally find to be a reasonable suggestion:

“We will definitely be adding new algorithms in future releases at no cost but we can’t say that there will never be an algorithm that we’ll charge for. The product has just been released and we can’t predict the future. For example if a third party creates an algorithm for the H90 or if Eventide has to pay a license to use some IP or… This question came up in the live stream and you can see how the guys did their best to answer it. We just can’t say that we will never charge to add something. We can say that our plan is to develop some new algorithms that will be included at no cost.”


Just asking myself to sell this H9 set to get the new H90

I used to have one of those! I can’t remember why I sold it, but I’ve been looking for one recently.

Got a H90 coming this weekend! Super excited.

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where did you order from by chance?